Message From Sri Sathya Sai Centre, Mombasa

Aum Sri Sai Ram,

You must have heard thru the media on the floods situation in Kilifi County. Many areas of the County have been affected by floods as heavy rains continue to pound various parts of the country. The floods have hit villages after River Sabaki broke its banks few days ago. Thousands of very needy families with little children totalling over approx 23,000 were displaced due to flood waters at various villages and are urgently in need of various necessities for their day-to-day existence.

By Swami’s grace, Shri Sathya Sai Centre, Mombasa have quickly reacted to the appeal for assistance and the basic needs assessed to help 1300 Families are:

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Sai Ram All,

On this auspicious, holy, and festive day of Makar Sankranti. We take this opportunity to inform All  Trustees, Directors, devotees, and well-wishers of Sathya Sai School – Kisaju that Architect Bro Chanilal,  with his pleasure and privilege, informs that the project (Secondary School) is now complete. The official hand over is scheduled for Saturday  20TH January 2018 at 10.00am (view the letter here).

This is a joyous moment for ALL Sai Devotees for all the hard work, inputs, donations, energies and resources contributed to further Sai Education in Kenya.

All are humbly requested to be present at Kisaju school latest by 9 am to attend the handover function arranged by the main contractor.

Wishing All a very prosperous Makar Sankranti.

With loving Sai Rams,


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Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Om Shri Sai Ram,

Wishing you all a very Happy New Year filled with Bhagawan’s Divine Grace and Love.

This Year 2018 is indeed a very Momentous and Historical Year for SSIO Kenya. We shall be completing 50 Glorious Years of Bhagawan having set Foot in Kenya outside of India for the first and last time. Swami Blessed Kenya when he landed in Nairobi on the 1st July 1968.

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The following is the list of programs at Sri Sathya Sai Centre – Kenya and Sathya Sai School – Kisaju for the 2016 Aradhana Mahotsavam.

[wpfilebase tag=fileurl id=2 linktext=’You can also download a PDF version here.’ /] Read more…

Om Sri Sai Ram!

Sathya Sai Centre Nairobi, Kenya, organized a Gram Seva on the 25th March 2016 in Makindu District in Eastern Kenya.

Sathya Sai Volunteers distributed food packages and clothing to 1000 representative heads aged between 50 to 90 years of vulnerable families from four arid villages situated about 200km away east of Nairobi, Kenya. People from these villages are impoverished due to meager or no rainfall at all for successive years and depend on livestock farming under persistent drought conditions.

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“Through right action one achieves purity of heart
which leads to the adquisition of higher spiritual knowledge.
When right action is coupled with this spiritual knowledge, there is service.”

– Sathya Sai Baba (18/11/1984)

We are very happy to greet you. Our hearts are filled with immense gratitude towards our dearest Sathya Sai who through His life, message and work saturated with compassion, goodness, wisdom and generosity towards all living beings, constantly inspires us to experience the true master that resides within. Swami’s message and teachings are universal and eternal. Their essence is clearly reflected in the lemma of the SSIO “Love All, Serve All”.

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Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Ahead of the 10th World Conference of Sathya Sai International Organisation at Prashanthi Nilayam in November, 2015, there shall be Pre-World Conferences in various Zones and Regions across the world.

To this effect, the Pre-World Conference in Kenya will be held from June 27th and 28th, 2015 in Nairobi for East and Central African Countries. Register for the conference here.

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