September 9, 2016 is going to be a HIStoric day for the whole Sathya Sai devotees community when the government of Uttarakhand state, appreciating the yeomen service done by Swami and His organisation to the humanity, will be dedicating a special GHAT ( a fleet of steps leading down to a river) named after our beloved Lord Sri Sathya Sai Baba in the holy city RISHIKESH. Read more…

Om Sri Sai Ram

The latest product of the Sai Love Team from Puttaparthi is Bhagawan’s Handwritten Letters.

It’s a draft for an e-book and paperback book. These are 50 letters from the 1940s to 1960s, which have been translated from Telugu into English for your edification.

Sai Love would like to produce an e-book as well as paperback books. The first 1000 paperback books will be free for Sai Libraries, Sai Schools and Sai Centers.

They are a small group involved with this project. Anyone who would like to help can contact them at

Download Bhagawan’s Handwritten Letters Here

Sathya Sai School – Kisaju

This Centre established the Sathya Sai Education Trust in 2001. The Sathya Sai Education Trust established the Sathya Sai School in Kisaju which is a pioneering autonomous education project in Kenya. The objective of the trust is to establish and operate learning institutions by providing an ideal value based education system. Not only do the institutions follow the national curriculum, but also integrate the Human Values – Truth, Right Conduct, Peace, Love, and Non Violence – in the education system in order to promote spiritual, moral, academic and environmental awareness in the pupil’s developmental process. The school provides free education including free boarding and lodging facilities for destitute and marginalised children. The school is a Primary School from Class 1 to Class 8.

In addition, the pupils are taught to develop a positive perspective of life in relation with others for the national welfare of all. They should have a balanced view of various cultures, religions and customs prevailing in Kenya so that they become indoctrinated into the principles of ‘Brotherhood of man’ and ‘Fatherhood of God’.

Please visit the Sathya Sai School – Kisaju website to find out more about this project.

The calendar below shows the schedule of all service-projects related activities.

Sathya Sai Ashtottarashata Nama Ratnamala

  1. Om Sri Bhagawaan Sathya Sai Babaya Namaha
    I Bow to Lord Sathya Sai Baba: Who is Divine Mother and Father
  2. Om Sri Sai Sathya Swarupaya Namaha
    Who is Embodiment of Truth
  3. Om Sri Sai Sathya Dharma Paraayanaaya Namaha
    Who is Devoted to Truth and Righteousness
  4. Om Sri Sai Varadaaya Namaha
    Who is Giver of Boons
  5. Om Sri Sai Sat Purushaaya Namaha
    Who is eternal existing Truth
  6. Om Sri Sai Satya Gunaatmane Namaha
    Who is embodiment of virtues
  7. Om Sri Sai Sadhu Vardhanaya Namaha
    Who spreads goodness all around
  8. Om Sri Sai Sadhu Jana Poshanaaya Namaha
    Who sustains and shelter virtuous persons
  9. Om Sri Sai Sarvagnaaya Namaha
    Who is omniscient
  10. Om Sri Sai Sarva Jana Priyaaya Namaha
    Who is loved by all
  11. Om Sri Sai Sarva Shakti Murtaye Namaha
    Who is embodiment of all powers
  12. Om Sri Sai Sarveshaaya Namaha
    Who is Lord of all
  13. Om Sri Sai Sarva Sanga Parithyaagine Namaha
    Who is One without any attachment
  14. Om Sri Sai Sarvaantharyaaminey Namaha
    Who checks and regulates feelings of everyone
  15. Om Sri Sai Mahimaatmane Namaha
    Who is Supremest Lord
  16. Om Sri Sai Maheshwara Swarupaaya Namaha
    Who is embodiment of Lord Shiva
  17. Om Sri Sai Parthi Graamodbhavaaya Namaha
    Who is born in Parthi village
  18. Om Sri Sai Parthi Kshetra Nivaasine Namaha
    Who is Resident of Parthi
  19. Om sri Sai Yashakaya Shirdi Vaasine Namaha
    Who was worshipped in the previous Incarnation as the Residant of Shirdi
  20. Om Sri Sai Jodi Aadi Palli Somappaaya Namaha
    Who assumed the form of ‘somappaya’
  21. Om Sri Sai Bhardwaja Rishi Gothraaya Namaha
    Who is descendant of Sage Bhaaradwaja
  22. Om Sri Sai Bhakta Vatsalaaya Namaha
    Who is affectionate towards devotees
  23. Om Sri Sai Apantaraatmane Namaha
    Who is indweller of all beings
  24. Om Sri Sai Avataara Murtaye Namaha
    Who is embodiment of Incarnation
  25. Om Sri Sai Sarva Bhaya Nivaarine Namaha
    Who removes all fears
  26. Om Sri Sai Apastaambha Sutraaya Namaha
    Who is born in Sage Apastambha lineage
  27. Om Sri Sai Abhaya Pradaaya Namaha
    Who grants fearlessness
  28. Om Sri Sai Ratnaakara Vamshodbhavaaya Namaha
    Who is born in ratnakar dynasty
  29. Om Sri Sai Shirdi Abheda Shaktyaavataaraya Namaha
    Whose Glory is not different from that of Shirdi incarnation
  30. Om Sri Sai Shankaraaya Namaha
    Who is Lord Shiva
  31. Om Sri Sai Shirdi Sai Moortaye Namaha
    Who is Incarnation of Shirdi Sai
  32. Om Sri Sai Dwaarakamayi Vaasine Namaha
    Who is residant of Dwaarakamayi (Name of a mosque in Shirdi)
  33. Om Sri Sai Chitravathi Tata Puttaparthi Vihaarine Namaha
    Who moves about on the bank of the Chitravathi river in Puttaparthi
  34. Om Sri Sai Sakti Pradaaya Namaha
    Who bestows strength and vigor
  35. Om Sri Sai Sharanaagata Tranaya Namaha
    Who saves those who surrender
  36. Om Sri Sai Anandaaya Namaha
    Who is bliss
  37. Om Sri Sai Ananda Daaya Namaha
    Who grants bliss
  38. Om Sri Sai Aartha Traana Parayanaaya Namaha
    Who is Saviour of affiliced
  39. Om Sri Sai Anaatha Naathaya Namaha
    Who is Lord of those destitutes
  40. Om Sri Sai Asahaaya Sahaayaaya Namaha
    Who is Saviour of helpless
  41. Om Sri Sai Loka Baandhavaaya Namaha
    Who is kith and kin to all
  42. Om Sri Sai Lokarakshaa Paraayanaaya Namaha
    Who is serving and helping all
  43. Om Sri Sai Loka Naathaya Namaha
    Who is Lord of all
  44. Om Sri Sai Deenjana Poshanaaya Namaha
    Who nourishes and sustains afflicted
  45. Om Sri Sai Murti Traya Swarupaaya Namaha
    Who is Trinity: Brahama; Vishni and Maheshwara
  46. Om Sri Sai Mukti Pradaaya Namaha
    Who grants liberation
  47. Om Sri Sai Kalusha Viduraaya Namaha
    Who is the remover of defects and faults
  48. Om Sri Sai Karuna Karaaya Namaha
    Who is compassionate
  49. Om Sri Sai Sarvaadhaaraya Namaha
    Who is the Support of all
  50. Om Sri Sai Sarva Hruda Vasine Namaha
    Who is indweller of everyone’s heart
  51. Om Sri Sai Punya Phala Pradaaya Namaha
    Who is Giver of fruits of meirtorious
  52. Om Sri Sai Sarva Papa Kshaya Karaaya Namaha
    Who is remover of all sins
  53. Om Sri Sai Sarva Roga Nivarine Namaha
    Who is remover of all diseases – destroyer of the cycle of birth and death
  54. Om Sri Sai Sarva Badha Haraaya Namaha
    Who is destroyer of all sufferings
  55. Om Sri Sai Anantanuta Kartrne Namaha
    Who is creator and Who is praised endlessly
  56. Om Sri Sai Adi Purushaaya Namaha
    Who is beginningless Lord
  57. Om Sri Sai Adi Sakthye Namaha
    Who is infinate power
  58. Om Sri Sai Aparoopa Shaktine Namaha
    Who has delightful and wonderful powers
  59. Om Sri Sai Avyaktha Roopine Namaha
    Who is formless
  60. Om Sri Sai Kam Krodha Dhwamsine Namaha
    Who destroys desire and anger
  61. Om Sri Sai Kanakaambara Dharine Namaha
    Who wears golden coloured dress
  62. Om Sri Sai Adbhuta Charyaaya Namaha
    Who does astonishing activities not seen anywhere
  63. Om Sri Sai Aapad Baandhavaaya Namaha
    Who helps as a brother in times of calamities
  64. Om Sri Sai Premaatmane Namaha
    Who is Supremest Love
  65. Om Sri Sai Prema Moortaye Namaha
    Who is embodiment of Love
  66. Om Sri Sai Prema Pradaaya Namaha
    Who grants love
  67. Om Sri Sai Priyaaya Namaha
    Who is loved by all
  68. Om Sri Sai Bhakta Priyaaya Namaha
    Who is loved by Detotees
  69. Om Sri Sai Bhakta Mandaaraya Namaha
    Who confers happiness of Heaven to devotees
  70. Om Sri Sai Bhakta Jana Hridaya Vihaaraya Namaha
    Whose play-ground is the heart of devotees
  71. Om Sri Sai Bhakta Jana HrudayaLayaaya Namaha
    Who dewlls in the heart of devotees
  72. Om Sri Sai Bhakta Paradhinaaya Namaha
    Who is bound to devotees by their devotion
  73. Om Sri Sai Bhakti Jnana Pradipaaya Namaha
    Who ignites the light of devotion and spiritual knowledge
  74. Om Sri Sai Bhakti Pradaaya Namaha
    Who shows the path of devotion and through devotion to knowledge to all aspirants
  75. Om Sri Sai Sugyaana Maarg Darshakaaya Namaha
    Who shows the path of attaining right knowledge
  76. Om Sri Sai Jnaana Swarupaaya Namaha
    Who is embodiment of knowledge
  77. Om Sri Sai Gita Bodhakaaya Namaha
    Who is giver and teacher of Gita
  78. Om Sri Sai Jnana Siddhi Daaya Namaha
    Who is grants the attainments of wisdom and success
  79. Om Sri Sai Sundar Rupaaya Namaha
    Who has charming form
  80. Om Sri Sai Punya Purushaaya Namaha
    Who is embodiment of purity
  81. Om Sri Sai Phala Pradaaya Namaha
    Who grants the fruits of our actions
  82. Om Sri Sai Purushottamaaya Namaha
    Who is supremest among all
  83. Om Sri Sai Puraana Purushaaya Namaha
    Who is the Ever Existent Perpetual Being
  84. Om Sri Sai Atitaaya Namaha
    Whose Glory transcends the Three Worlds
  85. Om Sri Sai Kaalaatitaaya Namaha
    Who is beyond time
  86. Om Sri Sai Siddhi Rupaaya Namaha
    Who is embodiment of all success and accomplishments
  87. Om Sri Sai Siddha Sankalpaaya Namaha
    Whose power of Will is instant success
  88. Om Sri Sai Aarogya Pradaaya Namaha
    Who grants good health
  89. Om Sri Sai Anna Vastra Daaya Namaha
    Who is sustainer of all Beings, by providing food; shelter and clothing
  90. Om Sri Sai Samsaara Dukha Kshayaa Karaaya Namaha
    Who is the destroyer of sorrows and sufferings of Samsaar (the objective world)
  91. Om Sri Sai Sarvabheeshta Pradaaya Namaha
    Who grants all desirable objects
  92. Om Sri Sai Kalyaana Gunaaya Namaha
    Who has agreeable attributes
  93. Om Sri Sai Karma Dhvamsine Namaha
    Who destroys evil effect or reactions or bad actions
  94. Om Sri Sai Sadhu Maanasa Shobitaaya Namaha
    Who shines in the mind of good persons as brilliance knowledge
  95. Om Sri Sai Sarva Mata Sammataaya Namaha
    Who represents all faiths
  96. Om Sri Sai Sadhu Maanas Parishodhakaaya Namaha
    Who helps purify the mind of spiritual aspirants
  97. Om Sri Sai Sadhukaanugraha Vat Vriksha Prathisthaapakaya Namaha
    Who has planted a tree as a boon to spiritual aspirants
  98. Om Sri Sai Sakala Samsaya Haraaya Namaha
    Who destroys all doubts
  99. Om Sri Sai Sakala Tatwa Bodhakaaya Namaha
    Who grants essence of all spirtitual knowledge
  100. Om Sri Sai Yogeeswaraaya Namaha
    Who is Lord of all yogis
  101. Om Sri Sai Yogeendra Vanditaaya Namaha
    Who is revered by Masters of Yogas
  102. Om Sri Sai Sarva Mangala Karaaya Namaha
    Who is grantor of auspiciousness and prosperity
  103. Om Sri Sai Sarva Siddhi Pradaaya Namaha
    Who grants all accomplishments and skills
  104. Om Sri Sai Aapanivaarine Namaha
    Who removes calamities
  105. Om Sri Sai Aarathi Haraaya Namaha
    Who destroys bodily and mental distress
  106. Om Sri Sai Shaantaa Murtaye Namaha
    Who is embodiment of peace
  107. Om Sri Sai Sulabha Prasannaaya Namaha
    Who is easily pleased
  108. Om Sri Sai Bhagwan Sri Sathya Sai Babaya Namaha
    I bow to Lord Sathya Sai Baba: Who is Divine Mother and Father

Sri Sathya Sai Sahasranamavali

  1. Om Sri Sathya Sai Sadguruve Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the Holy teacher
  2. Om Sri Sai Akaararupaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the first alphabet
  3. Om Sri Sai Akalmashaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the blemishless
  4. Om Sri Sai Akhanda paripurna Sacchidaanandaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the total absolute existence, consciousness & bliss
  5. Om Sri Sai Akhilaandakoti Brahmaandanaayakaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the lord of millions of universes
  6. Om Sri Sai Akhilaadhaaraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the support for all
  7. Om Sri Sai Akhileshwaraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the master of all
  8. Om Sri Sai Aganitha Gunaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the possessor of innumerable virtues
  9. Om Sri Sai Agraganyaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the supreme
  10. Om Sri Sai Achanchalaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the stable
  11. Om Sri Sai Achinthyaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sii Sai, the incomprehensible
  12. Om Sai Sai Achinthyaashakthaye Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the possessor of inconceivable power
  13. Om Sri Sai Achyuthaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the immutable
  14. Om Sri Sai Anuve Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the subtle
  15. Om Sri Sai Athirupalaavanya Swarupaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the most charming form
  16. Om Sri Sai Athisundaravadanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the one with most beautiful face
  17. Om Sri Sai Athipremapradarshakaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the bestower of divine love
  18. Om Sri Sai Atheethaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the one beyond reach
  19. Om Sri Sai Athulaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the unequalled
  20. Om Sri Sai Athyudaaraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the most generous
  21. Om Sri Sai Adbhuthacharyaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the one with supernatural power
  22. Om Sri Sai Adbhuthavigrahaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the marvellous form
  23. Om Sri Sai Adrishyaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the imperceptible
  24. Om Sri Sai Ardhanaarishwaraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the form of half man & half woman (meaning Shiva & Shakti)
  25. Om Sri Sai Ananthaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the infinite
  26. Om Sri Sai Anaghaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One without any sins
  27. Om Sri Sai Ananthakalyaanagunaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who possesses innumerable virtues
  28. Om Sri Sai Ananthanuthakirthanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is sung with innumerable names
  29. Om Sri Sai Ananthasoukhyadaaya Nameh
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who gives infinite happiness
  30. Om Sri Sai Annavastradaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who gives food & clothing
  31. Om Sri Sai Anaathanaathaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the guardian of the helpless
  32. Om Sri Sai Anaathavatsalaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the affectionate to the helpless
  33. Om Sri Sai Anaatharakshakaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the protector of the helpless
  34. Om Sri Sai Anaadinidhanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the one without beginning or end
  35. Om Sri Sai Anaamayaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is free from bondage
  36. Om Sri Sai Anivrittaatmane Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is not turned away from anywhere
  37. Om Sri Sai Anugrahakartre Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who gives Grace
  38. Om Sri Sai Anekamurthaye Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who has many forms
  39. Om Sri Sai Antharyaamine Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the indweller in all
  40. Om Sri Sai Anthahkarana Shuddhi Pradaayakaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who purifies the mind
  41. Om Sri Sai Aparaajithaaya, Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the unconquerable
  42. Om Sri Sai Aparupashakthaye Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who possesses unique powers
  43. Om Sri Sai Apavargapradaayakaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who gives liberation
  44. Om Sri Sai Apamrityunaashakaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who removes unnatural death
  45. Om Sri Sai Apaandaraatmane Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who gives self realization
  46. Om Sri Sai Apaarashakthaye Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who possesses boundless power
  47. Om Sri Sai Apurvashakthaye Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who possesses unprecedented power
  48. Om Sri Sai Aprameyaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is beyond objective knowledge of proof
  49. Om Sri Sai Abhayapradaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who gives quality of fearlessness
  50. Om Sri Sai Abhaya Hastaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the one with raised palm, a symbol for security
  51. Om Sri Sai Abhilaashaprasaadakaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who fulfills desires
  52. Om Sri Sai Abhishtadaayakaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who grants the wishes
  53. Om Sri Sai Abhedaanandapradaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who gives unbroken joy
  54. Om Sri Sai Amaraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the eternal
  55. Om Sri Sai Amaraprabhaave Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the Lord of immortals
  56. Om Sri Sai Amaraadhishwaraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the Lord of deities
  57. Om Sri Sai Amalaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who is oure, spotless, stainless
  58. Om Sri Sai Amarthyaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the immortal
  59. Om Sri Sai Amithaparakramaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the one with immeasurable strength
  60. Om Sri Sai Amithanaashanaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who causes dissolution of the entire Universe
  61. Om Sri Sai Amrithaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the imperishable
  62. Om Sri Sai Amrithavarushe Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who gives shower of ambrosia
  63. Om Sri Sai Amrithabhaashine Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One with nectarine speech
  64. Om Sri Sai Amoghasampannaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who possesses perfection
  65. Om Sri Sai Aravindaakshaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One with lotus eyes
  66. Om Sri Sai Arunaachalaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who is Arunachala (Lord Shiva)
  67. Om Sri Sai Aarupavyakthaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the formless & imperceptible
  68. Om Sri Sai Arogadridhagaatraprasaadakaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who gives strong healthy body
  69. Om Sri Sai Alankrithakeshaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the one with decorated hair
  70. Om Sri Sai Avathaaramurthaye Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the form of all incarnations
  71. Om Sri Sai Avighnakaarakaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the remover of obstacles
  72. Om Sri Sai Avyakthaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the invisible
  73. Om Sri Sai Avyaktharupaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the unmanifested
  74. Om Sri Sai Avyayaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the inexhaustible
  75. Om Sri Sai Ashakaayarahithaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One without impossibilities
  76. Om Sri Sai Aasheshajanavandyaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One worshipped by all
  77. Om Sri Sai Akshayaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who does not decay
  78. Om Sri Sai Ashtasiddhi Pradaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who gives eight types of powers
  79. Om Sri Sai Akshobhyaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the unshakeable
  80. Om Sri Sai Asahaaya Sahaayaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who helps the helpless
  81. Om Sri Sai Ajnaana Nashanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the destroyer of ignorance
  82. Om Sri Sai Ahankaara Naashanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the destroyer of ego
  83. Om Sri Sai Ambujalochanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the one with lotus eyes
  84. Om Sri Sai Aagamasamsthuthaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the one praised by the sacred doctrines
  85. Om Sri Sai Aathankanigrahaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the remover of affliction of mind
  86. Om Sri Sai Aadisheshashayanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One lying on Adishesha, the great serpent
  87. Om Sri Sai Arthathraana Paraayanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who rescues the distressed from grief
  88. Om Sri Sai Aarthasamrakshanaidikshithaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One dedicated for the upliftment of the afflicted
  89. Om Sri Sal Arthiharaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who destroys distress
  90. Om Sri Sai Aatmaanandaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who gives supreme bliss
  91. Om Sri Sai Aatmaswarupaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the supreme self
  92. Om Sri Sai Aatmatattwa Bodhakaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who preaches knowledge of Soul
  93. Om Sri Sai Atmaramanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who rejoices in the Self
  94. Om Sri Sai Atmaanaatmavichaara Bodhakaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who preaches Self & non-self
  95. Om Sri Sai Adarshapurushaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who is the ideal for every one
  96. Om Sri Sai Adipurushaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the very first being
  97. Om Sri Sai Aaadishakthaye Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the primal energy
  98. Om Sri Sai Aadidevaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the very first deity
  99. Om Sri Sai Aadivastuve Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the primitive object
  100. Om Sri Sai Aadi Kurmaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the incarnation of the first tortoise (one of the ten Avathars of Lord Vishnu)
  101. Om Sri Sai Aadi Varaahaya Nemah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the incarnation of the first boar (one of the ten Avathars of Lord Vishnu)
  102. Om Sri Sai Aadyaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the primary
  103. Om Sri Sai Aadyantharaahithaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the one without beginning or end
  104. Om Sri Sai Aadhaarashakthaye Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the very foundation of power
  105. Om Sri Sai Adhaaranilayaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who is the support for even all the basic supporting factors like the five elements (ether, air, fire, water & earth)
  106. Om Sri Sai Aadivyaadhiharaaya Namah
    106 Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who uproots diseases
  107. Om Sri Sai Aadhyaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the wealthy
  108. Om Sri Sai Aanandaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who is pure bliss
  109. Om Sri Sai Aanandadaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who gives highest bliss
  110. Om Sri Sai Aananda Bharithaayas Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who is blissful
  111. Om Sri Sai Aananda Prasaadakaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who renders happiness
  112. Om Sri Sai Aanandarupaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who is in the form of bliss
  113. Om Sri Sai Aapadbhandhavaaya Namah
    Salutaians to Sri Sai, the only relative of the distressed
  114. 114 Om Sri Sai Aapannivarakaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the destroyer of calamities
  115. Om Sri Sai Aapastambhasutraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the descendent of sage Apastamba
  116. Om Sri Sai Aarogyapradaaya Nameh
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who grants health
  117. 117 Om Sri Sai Aashapaasha Naashakaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the destroyer of the noose of desire
  118. Om Sri Sai Aashritha Rakshakaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who protects those who seek refuge
  119. Om Sri Sai Aashrita Vatsalaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who is affectionate towards the refugee
  120. Om Sri Sai Ashcharya Rupaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the marvellous personality
  121. Om Sri Sai Aacharya Pravarthakaaya Namah
    Salutaions to Sri Sai, the One with wonderful behaviour
  122. Om Sri Sai Aahlaada Vadanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One with delightful face
  123. Om Sri Sai Aanjaneyaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who is in the form of Anjaneya (Son of Anjana)
  124. Om Sri Sai Ikaararupaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who is in the form of third vowel ‘I’
  125. Om Sri Sai Ithihaasasthuthi Shruthaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who is understood by commendations in the legends
  126. Om Sri Sai Indraadipriyaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who is the beloved of Indra & other deities
  127. Om Sri Sai Indra Bhoga Phalapradaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who confers heavenly pleasures
  128. Om Sri Sai Icchaashakti Jnaanashakti Swarupaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who is in the form of will power and knowledge
  129. Om Sri Sai Ishtaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who is liked by all
  130. Om Sri Sai Ishtaamurthi Phalapraaptaye Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who gives desired results in the beloved form
  131. Om Sri Sai Ishteshta Varadaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who grants wishes
  132. Om Sri Sai Ishtakaamyaphala Pradaayakaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who gives fruits of desired wishes
  133. Om Sri Sai Ithibhithiharaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who destroys fear of distress
  134. Om Sri Sai Ishwaraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the Omnipotent lord
  135. Om Sri Sai Ishaanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the master of all
  136. Om Sri Sai Ishwaraambasotaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the son of Eshwaramba
  137. Om Sri Sai Ishwaraikyaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is identical with Lord Shiva
  138. Om Sri Sai Ipsithaartha Pradaayakaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who grants desired requests
  139. Om Sri Sai Ishanatrayavarjithaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is devoid of 3 types of wealth
  140. Om Sri Sai Uttamaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the supreme
  141. Om Sri Sai Uttama Gunasampannaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who possesses excellent qualities
  142. Om Sri Sai Utkrishtaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the superior
  143. Om Sri Sai Utsaahaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the energetic
  144. Om Sri Sai Udaaraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the noble
  145. Om Sri Sai Udaarakirthaye Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who is rightly renounced
  146. Om Sri Sai Udiprasaadine Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who gives sacred ash (vibhuthi)
  147. Om Sri Sai Upadeshte Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the spiritual guide
  148. Om Sri Sai Upadravaharanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the destroyer of troubles
  149. Om Sri Sai Upaadinivarthakaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the destroyer of substitution
  150. Om Sri Sai Unmattaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One beyond bounds
  151. Om Sri Sai Unmeshaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the visible
  152. Om Sri Sai Umaamaheswaraswarupaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the great master of Uma
  153. Om Sri Sai Uragaadipriyaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is fond of serpents
  154. Om Sri Sai Uragavibhushanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is adorned with serpents
  155. Om Sri Ssi Ushnashamanaaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who allays passions
  156. Om Sri Sai Urjapaalakaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who restores strength
  157. Om Sri Sai Urjagathidaayakaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who gives invigorating path
  158. Om Sri Sai Urjasphalaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who quivers with strength
  159. Om Sri Sai Urjithaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is unsurpassingly strong
  160. Om Sri Sai Urjithashaasanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, whose command is unfailing
  161. Om Sri Sai Urjithodaaraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is exalted with strength
  162. Om Sri Sai Rujukaraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who sets right everything
  163. Om Sri Sai Rujurupaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the right form
  164. Om Sri Sai Rujumaargapradarshanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the preacher of right path
  165. Om Sri Sai Runatraayavimochanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the liberator from the 3 debts
  166. Om Sri Sai Rushidevaganastutyaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is praised by the sages and deities
  167. Om Sri Sai Ekapathaye Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the only Lord
  168. Om Sri Sai Ekaangaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One and only
  169. Om Sri Sai Ekaanthaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the only ultimate Goal
  170. Om Sri Sai Ekasmai Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the only one
  171. Om Sri Sai Enoughanaashaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the destroyer of evils of sins
  172. Om Sri Sai Eishwaryaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the Lord of wealth
  173. Om Sri Sai Eishwaryadaayakaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who gives sovereignity
  174. Om Sri Sai Omkaararupaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who is in the form of the sacred syllable "OM"
  175. Om Sri Sai Omkaaaragatraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, whose form or form is verily AUMKAR itself
  176. Om Sri Sai Omkaarapriyaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who likes the sacred syllable"OM"
  177. Om Sri Sai Omkaaraparamarthaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who is the meaning of the highest spiritual knowledge "OM"
  178. Om Sri Sai Omkaaraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who is the mystic syllable "OM" itself
  179. Om Sri Sai Oudumbaraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the oudumbara (Lord Yama)
  180. Om Sri Sai Oudaaryaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who is noble
  181. Om Sri Sai Oudaarya Sheelaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One with noble character
  182. Om Sri Sai Oushadhakaraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who grants medicines
  183. Om Sri Sai Karpurakaanthi Dhavalitha Shobhaaya Nmah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is decorated with the brilliance of camphor
  184. Om Sri Sai Kamaniyaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the pleasing one
  185. Om Sri Sri Karmadhwamsine Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the destroyer of acts
  186. Om Sri Sai Karmadhaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who bestows actions
  187. Om Sri Sai Karmayogavishaaradaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who is proficient in Karma Yoga
  188. Om Sri Sai Karunaakaraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who is compassionate
  189. Om Sri Sai Karunasaagaraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the ocean of mercy
  190. Om Sri Sai Karunanidhiye Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the treasure of sympathy
  191. Om Sri Sai Karunarasasampurnaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is full of tender affection
  192. Om Sri Sai Karunapurnahridayaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, whose heart is filled with kindness
  193. Om Sri Sai Kalaanidhiye Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the gallery of arts
  194. Om Sri Sai Kalaadhaaraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is the basis for arts
  195. Om Sri Sai Kaliyugavaradaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is the Lord of Kali age
  196. Om Sri Sai Kalikalmashanaashine Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who destroys impurities of Kali age
  197. Om Sri Sai Kalithaapahride Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who destroys afflictions of Kali age
  198. Om Sri Sai Kalushaviduraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the remover of impurities
  199. Om Sri Sai Kalyaanagunaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who has good qualities
  200. Om Sri Sai Kalpataruve Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who is in the form of wish fulfilling tree
  201. Om Sri Sai Kalpaandakaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, from whom the seed of time sprouts
  202. Om Sri Sai Kalmashadhwamsine Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who destroys darkness
  203. Om Sri Sai Kavipungavaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the eminent poet
  204. Om Sri Sai Kanakaambaradhaarine Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who wears golden robes
  205. Om Sri Sai Kalankarahithaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who is without any blemish
  206. Om Sri Sai Kaamarupaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who is able to assume any form at will
  207. Om Sri Sai Kaamanaashanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the destroyer of desire
  208. Om Sri Sai Kaamakrodhadhwamsine Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the destroyer of anger and desire
  209. Om Sri Sai Kaamithaphaladaayakaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who gives of desired results
  210. Om Sri Sai Kaaranaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who is the cause for everything
  211. Om Sri Sai Kaaryakaarana Shariraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One with Particular causal body
  212. Om Sri Sai Kaaryakaarana Nirmukthaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who liberates from special consequences
  213. Om Sri Sai Kaarunyamurthaye Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the embodiment of compassion
  214. Om Sri Sai Kaalaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the personification of Time
  215. Om Sri Sai Kaalakaalaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who is beyond time
  216. Om Sri Sai Kaalakantaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, whose neck is dark blue coloured (Lord Shiva)
  217. Om Sri Sai Kaalathithaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who is beyond Time
  218. Om Sri Sai Kaaladarpa Damanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who tames the pride of Time
  219. Om Sri Sai Kaalabhairavaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the frightful form of Lord Shiva
  220. Om Sri Sai Kaashaayaambaradhaarine Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who wears brown robe
  221. Om Sri Sai Kushaalaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the skilled
  222. Om Sri Sai Kuberaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who is in the form of Kubear (God of riches)
  223. Om Sri Sai Kumaaraguruparaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the precepter for youth
  224. Om Sri Sai Kuvalekshanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who has lotus eyes
  225. Om Sri Sai Kutasthaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who perceives everything
  226. Om Sri Sai Krithajnaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the grateful
  227. Om Sri Sai Krupaanidhiye Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the treasure of mercy
  228. Om Sri Sai Krupaakaraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the mine of compassion
  229. Om Sri Sai Krishnaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is Lord Krishna
  230. Om Sri Sai Krodhanaashanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the destoryer of anger
  231. Om Sri Sai Keshavaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is in the form of Keshava (creator, protector & transformer)
  232. Om Sri Sai Keshava-Madhava-Srihari Rupaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who is in the form of Keshava, Madhava (destroyer of illusion) and Sri Hari (Lord of wealth)
  233. Om Sri Sai Kleshanaashanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the destroyer of afflicition
  234. Om Sri Sai Komalaangaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who has the tender form
  235. Om Sri Sai Kotisuryasamaprabhaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who has briliance of ten million Suns
  236. Om Sri Sai Kovidaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the learned
  237. Om Sri Sai Kailaasanaathaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the sovereign of Kailasa (abode of Shiva)
  238. Om Sri Sai Kailaasapathaye Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the Lord of Kailasa
  239. Om Sri Sai Kaivalya Daayine Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who grants eternal liberation
  240. Om Sri Sai Khalathaapa Haraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the remover of severe pain
  241. Om Sri Sai Khalanigrahaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who supresses the wicked
  242. Om Sri Sai Kecharasthuthaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One praised by the aerial bird, Garuda
  243. Om Sri Sai Khecharajana Priyaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the lover of aerial beings
  244. Om Sri Sai Khyaathaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the well known
  245. Om Sri Sai Khyaathipradaayakaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who grants fame
  246. Om Sri Sai Ganapathaye Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is the Lord Ganapathi
  247. Om Sri Sai Gananiyagunaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One with countless virtues
  248. Om Sri Sai Gananiyacharitraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One with noble character
  249. Om Sri Sai Gadyapadyapriyaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who is fond of prose and verses
  250. Om Sri Sai Gambhiraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the earnest
  251. Om Sri Sai Gangaadharaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who wears Ganga (Lord Shiva)
  252. Om Sri Sai Gaatrakshetraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the Onw who is the abode of the indweller
  253. Om Sri Sai Gaayatri Dikshadaayakaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who is the consecrator to Gayathri mantra
  254. Om Sri Sai Gaanapriyaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is fond of music
  255. Om Sri Sai Githa Bodhakaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who preaches Bhagavad Githa
  256. Om Sri Sai Githoddhaaranaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who promotes Githa
  257. Om Sri Sai Girvaanasamsevyaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is worshipped by praises
  258. Om Sri Sai Gunakaraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the cause of good qualities
  259. Om Sri Sai Gunaathmane Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who possesses merits
  260. Om Sri Sai Gunaathithaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One beyond attributes
  261. Om Sri Sai Gunanidhiye Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the treasure of virtues
  262. Om Sri Sai Gunavardhanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who increases merits
  263. Om Sri Sai Gunashreshtaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who possesses the most splendid virtues
  264. Om Sri Sai Gunajnaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who appreciates good qualities
  265. Om Sri Sai Gunaarnavaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who is the ocean of good qualities
  266. Om Sri Sai Guruparaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the great teacher
  267. Om Sri Sai Gurushreshtaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the best teacher
  268. Om Sri Sai Guhyaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the mysterious
  269. Om Sri Sai Guhaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the secret indweller
  270. Om Sri Sai Govindaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who protects life
  271. Om Sri Sai Gopalaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who protects the world
  272. Om Sri Sai Godaavari Theeravaasine Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who is resident at the bank of Godavari river
  273. Om Sri Sai Ghanagambhiraghoshanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who proclaims from the depth of His voice
  274. Om Sri Sai Ghrinanidhaye Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the treasure of compassion
  275. Om Sri Sai Chaturaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the clever
  276. Om Sri Sai Chatuhshashtikaalanidhiye Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the master of sixty four arts
  277. Om Sri Sai Chaturveda Sampannaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is acquainted with 4 vedas
  278. Dm Sri Sai Chaturveda Shiroratnaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the gem of 4 vedas
  279. Om Sri Sai Chaitanyaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the universal Soul
  280. Om Sri Sai Chaitraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who starts the year (Chaitra is the first month in the lunar calendar)
  281. Om Sri Sai Chandrakalaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One with brilliance of moon light
  282. Om Sri Sai Chandrashekharaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who wears moon as crown (Lord Shiva)
  283. Om Sri Sai Chandrakoti Sadrishaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One with the power of 10 million suns & moons
  284. Om Sri Sai Chanchalanaashenaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the destroyer of unsteadyness
  285. Om Sri Sai Chaarupaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the beautiful form
  286. Om Sri Sai Chaarusheelaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One with pleasing manners
  287. Om Sri Sai Chidambareshaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the master of consciousness
  288. Om Sri Sai Chitswarupaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the form of Pure Consciousness
  289. Om Sri Sai Chidaabhaashaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who illuminates the mind
  290. Om Sri Sai Chidaanandaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the blissful
  291. Om Sri Sai Chittavrittishuddhikaraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who purifies the mind
  292. Om Sri Sai Chitraavathithataputtaparthi Vihaarine Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who moves about in the village Puttaparthi on the bank of Chitravathi river.
  293. Om Sri Sai Chidrupaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who is in the form of pure mind
  294. Om Sri Sai Chinmayaaye Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who posseses pure intelligence
  295. Om Sri Sai Charithaamritha Saagaraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the ocean of nectarine legend of Sai
  296. Om Sri Sai Chchannathraigunyarupaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the form covered by the three qualities sattwa, rajas, & thamas
  297. Om Sri Sai Chedithaakhilapaatakaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the destroyer of all sins
  298. Om Sri Sai Jagadguruve Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the world teacher
  299. Om Sri Sai Jagatpujyaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is honoured by the whole world
  300. Om Sri Sai Jagatsrishtaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the creator of the universe
  301. Om Sri Sai Jagatpataye Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the Lord of the universe
  302. Om Sri Sai Jagatrakshakaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the protector of the world
  303. Om Sri Sai Jagatpriyaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is fond of the world
  304. Om Sri Sai Jagatsaakshine Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the universal witness
  305. Om Sri Sai Jagatsevyaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who is served by the entire world
  306. Om Sri Sai Jagatvibhave Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the illuminator for the world
  307. Om Sri Sai Jagadishaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the Lord of the worlds
  308. Om Sri Sai Jagadoddhaaranaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who uplifts the universe
  309. Om Sri Sai Jagadaanandajanekaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the cause for the world happiness
  310. Om Sri Sai Jagannaathaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the master of the world
  311. Om Sri Sai Jaganmayaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who has occupied the whole world
  312. Om Sri Sai Jaganmohanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is attractive to all
  313. Om Sri Sai Jayine Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the conqueror
  314. Om Sri Sai Jayapradaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who gives victory
  315. Om Sri Sai Janapriyaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is liked by all
  316. Om Sri Sai Janaashrayaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who protects mankind
  317. Om Sri Sai Janajanmaanibarhanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who destroys cycle of human birth
  318. Om Sri Sai Janajaadyaapahaarakaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who takes away the inactivity of people
  319. Om Sri Sai Janaardanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the Lord to whom seekers pray for the fulfilment of their wishes
  320. Om Sri Sai Jaraamarana Varjitaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who transcends old age & death
  321. Om Sri Sai Japaakusumasamkaashaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who resembles Japa flower (china rose)
  322. Om Sri Sai Jaagrate Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the enlightened
  323. Om Sri Sai Jaatimathabheda Bhanjanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who dissolves the differences in caste or religion
  324. Om Sri Sai Jitaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the victorious
  325. Om Sri Sai Jitakleshaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the conqueror of distress
  326. Om Sri Sai Jitendriyaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the master of senses
  327. Om Sri Sai Jivaadhaaraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the supporter for the life
  328. Om Sri Sai Jyothirmayaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the luminous
  329. Om Sri Sai Jyothi Prakaashaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the brilliant light
  330. Om Sri Sai Jyothiswarupaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the form of bright light
  331. Om Sri Sai Jodiaadipalli Somappaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who came in the form of Somappa of village Jodiadipalli
  332. Om Sri Sai Tarkashaastra Panditaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the scholar in the doctrine of logic
  333. Om Sri Sai Tatparaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One denoted by the pronoun ‘TAT’ meaning what is well known
  334. Om Sri Sai Tatpurushaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the supreme spirit
  335. Om Sri Sai Tapomayaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One merged in austerities
  336. Om Sri Sai Taporupaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the form of austerity
  337. Om Sri Sai Taponidhaye Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the treasure of austereness
  338. Om Sri Sai Tapovanapradataaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who gives place for penance
  339. Om Sri Sai Taapatrayanirmuktaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who can liberate from all the 3 types of distresses
  340. Om Sri Sai Taapasahridvaasine Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who resides in the hearts of ascetics
  341. Om Sri Sai Taarakaswarupaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who comes in the form of rescuer
  342. Om Sri Sai Taaraka Mantraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who is in the form of hymn that helps us cross this wordly existence
  343. Om Sri Sai Thirthaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is the sacred path
  344. Om Sri Sai Thivraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is strong
  345. Om Sri Sai Theekshanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is sharp
  346. Om Sri Sai Trikaalajnaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who knows our past, present & future
  347. Om Sri Sai Trigunaatmakaaya Namah,
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who possesses the 3 qualities (Sattwa, Rajas & Thamas)
  348. Om Sri Sai Triptaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the self satisfied
  349. Om Sri Sai Trimurtaye Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who is in the form of three deities (Brahma, Vishnu & Maheshwara)
  350. Om Sri Sai Trayimayaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the form of 3 vedas
  351. Om Sri Sai Trilokaatmane Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is the soul of all the 3 worlds
  352. Om Sri Sai Trilokaniruddhagataye Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who moves unobstructed in all the three worlds
  353. Om Sri Sai Trailokya Naathaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the master of all the 3 worlds
  354. Om Sri Sai Tejomayaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, full of brilliance
  355. Om Sri Sai Tejaswarupaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the form of splendour
  356. Om Sri Sai Tejomurthaye Namah
    Salutationsto Sri Sai, the Sun God
  357. Om Sri Sai Trivikramaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who measured the 3 worlds in 3 steps as Vamana
  358. Om Sri Sai Thyaagaraajaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the great sacrificer
  359. Om Sri Sai Dattaatreyaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is the form of Dattatreya (Incarnation of 3 deities Brahma, Vishnu & Shiva)
  360. Om Sri Sai Darshaniyaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the worthy of being seen
  361. Om Sri Sai Dayaaparaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the merciful
  362. Om Sri Sai Dayaasaagaraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the ocean of mercy
  363. Om Sri Sai Daya Nidhaye Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the treasure of mercy
  364. Om Sri Sai Darpana Shobhitaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who has beautiful eyes
  365. Om Sri Sai Dhaatre Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the form of earth
  366. Om Sri Sai Dakshinaamurthaye Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the form of Dakshinamurthy
  367. Om Sri Sai Daanasheelaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the liberal donor
  368. Om Sri Sai Daanashooraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the great giver of gifts
  369. Om Sri Sai Daanapriyaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is fond of charity
  370. Om Sri Sai Daana Dharmaparaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is intent on righteousness and charity
  371. Om Sri Sai Daamodaraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the form of Lord Krishna
  372. Om Sri Sai Digambaraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who has sky (universe) as His clothing (Lord Shiva)
  373. Om Sri Sai Divyajnaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who has divine knowledge
  374. Om Sri Sai Divyarupaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who is the form divinity
  375. Om Sri Sai Divyasundaraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the celestial beauty
  376. Om Sri Sai Divyaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the divine
  377. Om Sri Sai Divaspataye Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the Lord of heaven
  378. Om Sri Sai Deenadayaalave Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is kind to the weak
  379. Om Sri Sai Deenabandhuve Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the associate of the distressed
  380. Om Sri Sai Deenajana Poshanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the guardian of the distressed
  381. Om Sri Sai Deenasantaapanaashanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the destroyer of the miseries of the afflicted
  382. Om Sri Sai Deenapaalakaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the guardian of the poor
  383. Om Sri Sai Deenoddhaaranaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who uplifts the ruined
  384. Om Sri Sai Deerghavrittaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the all encompassing
  385. Om Sri Sai Deergha Drishtaye Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who can see far ahead
  386. Om Sri Sai Deeptaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the bright
  387. Om Sri Sai Dukhashamanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the destroyer of sorrow
  388. Om Sri Sai Duraadharshaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the unconquerable
  389. Om Sri Sai Durlabhaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the inaccessible
  390. Om Sri Sai Duswapna Naashanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the destroyer of bad dreams
  391. Om Sri Sai Dushtajanoddhaaranaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who can uplift the wicked
  392. Om Sri Sai Dridavrataaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who has the firm resolve of His will (fixed, firm, strong)
  393. Om Sri Sai Devavinuthaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is praised by the deities
  394. Om Sri Sai Devaparaatparaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the mightiest among deities
  395. Om Sri Sai Devadevaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the God of all deities
  396. Om Sri Sai Devagirisuta Sainaathaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the Lord Sai, the son of mother Devagiri
  397. Om Sri Sai Daivajnaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who knows fate
  398. Om Sri Sai Daityaharine Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who kills demons
  399. Om Sri Sai Dwaarakamaayivaasine Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the resident of Dwarakamayi
  400. Om Sri Sai Doshanivaaranaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the remover of impurities
  401. Om Sri Sai Dhanapathaye Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the king of wealth
  402. Om Sri Sai Dhanamangala Daayakaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who grants wealth & welfare
  403. Om Sri Sai Dhanadhaanyadaayakaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who gives riches and grain
  404. Om Sri Sai Dhanaadhyakshaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who oversees treasures
  405. Om Sri Sai Dhanyaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the self satisfied
  406. Om Sri Sai Dharmaparaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the righteous
  407. Om Sri Sai Dharmachaarine Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the dutiful
  408. Om Sri Sai Dharmatatparaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is intent on righteousness
  409. Om Sri Sai Dharmaposhakaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the protector of righteousness
  410. Om Sri Sai Dharmasthaapanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, prescriber of righteousness
  411. Om Sri Sai Dharmaparaayanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the righteous
  412. Om Sri Sai Dharmashaastrajnaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the scholar of doctrine of moral codes
  413. Om Sri Sai Dharmahethave Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the cause of righteous path
  414. Om Sri Sai Dharmakrite Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who always acts only righteously
  415. Om Sri Sai Dharmapratishtaapakaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who establishes the right conduct
  416. Om Sri Sai Dharmishtaaya Namah
    Salutationsto Sri Sai, the just
  417. Om Sri Sai Dharmeshwaraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the Lord of righteousness
  418. Om Sri Sai Dharaadhaaraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the basis of earth
  419. Om Sri Sai Dhurandharaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the leader
  420. Om Sri Sai Natanamanoharaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the charming actor
  421. Om Sri Sai Nateshaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the chief actor
  422. Om Sri Sai Namashivaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the sacred Shiva mantra
  423. Om Sri Sai Nayabhayaleelaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the graceful, fearful & prudent
  424. Om Sri Sai Narakavinaashanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the destroyer of hell
  425. Om Sri Sai Naranaaraayanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the supreme self and all pervader
  426. Om Sri Sai Narasimhaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the Lord Narasimha (man-lion body)
  427. Om Sri Sai Navaneetha Nataaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the young actor
  428. Om Sri Sai Navaneethavigrahaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the young form
  429. Om Sri Sai Naadabinduve Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the origin of sound
  430. Om Sri Sai Naadaswarupaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the form of sound
  431. Om Sri Sai Naadaanandaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the rejoicer of sound
  432. Om Sri Sai Naadatatparaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who merges in the sound
  433. Om Sri Sai Naagashaayine Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One resting on the serpent
  434. Om Sri Sai Naanarupaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One with varied forms
  435. Om Sri Sai Naanaabhaashavidagdhaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who knows multiple languages
  436. Om Sri Sai Naanashastrapanditaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the scholar in many sciences
  437. Om Sri Sai Naanaashaastravidagdhaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who knows many scriptures
  438. Om Sri Sai Naanaakshektra Vaasine Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who resides in different places
  439. Om Sri Sai Naamarakshaaparaayanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One engaged in the protection of sacred names of God
  440. Om Sri Sai Naaradiyabhakti Bodhakaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who preaches about the devotion of Narada
  441. Om Sri Sai Nigamastuthaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is praised in vedas
  442. Om Sri Sai Nirgunaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One having no attributes
  443. Om Sri Sai Nirjalaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who is devoid of dullness
  444. Om Sri Sai Nithyaranjanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the ever delighting
  445. Om Sri Sai Nithyashuddhaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the ever pure
  446. Om Sri Sai Nithyaanandaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the eternally happy
  447. Om Sri Sai Nithyapushtaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the ever strong
  448. Om Sri Sai Nithyavaibhavaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the ever glorious
  449. Om Sri Sai Nithyotsavaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is worshipped in regular festivals
  450. Om Sri Sai Nibhaananaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who has handsome face
  451. Om Sri Sai Niravadyaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the unobjectionable
  452. Om Sri Sai Niranjanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the spotless
  453. Om Sri Sai Nirahankaaraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the egoless
  454. Om Sri Sai Niraakaraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the formless
  455. Om Sri Sai Niratankaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the fearless
  456. Om Sri Sai Niraamayaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One free from illness
  457. Om Sri Sai Niraashrayaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who is not dependent on any one
  458. Om Sri Sai Niraalambaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the self supported
  459. Om Sri Sai Nirupadravaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the harmless
  460. Om Sri Sai Nirmalaaya Namah
    Salutationsto Sri Sai, the emodiment of purity
  461. Om Sri Sai Nishchalaatmakaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One with steady unwavering soul
  462. Om Sri Sai Nishchalatatwaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who is the embodiment of principle of equanimity
  463. Om Sri Sai Nirvikaaraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the unchangeable
  464. Om Sri Sai Nirvikalpaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the one devoid of changing thoughts
  465. Om Sri Sai Nishkalankaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the blameless
  466. Om Sri Sai Nishprapanchaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the invisible
  467. Om Sri Sai Nissangaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the unaccompanied
  468. Om Sri Sai Nrityalolaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who likes dance
  469. Om Sri Sai Nrityasundaraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the charming dancer
  470. Om Sri Sai Naikarupaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the manifold
  471. Om Sri Sai Nyasthadehabahisanchaarine Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who can move separated from his body
  472. Om Sri Sai Neelakantaaya Namah
    Satutations to Sri Sai, whose neck is blue coloured
  473. Om Sri Sai Neelaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is dark coloured
  474. Om Sri Sai Neelajaakshaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, whose eyes are blue coloured
  475. Om Sri Sai Neelameghashyaamalaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who has the colour of dark blue clouds
  476. Om Sri Sai Netraanandabharithaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who fills happiness in the eyes
  477. Om Sri Sai Parthivihaaraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who walks about in Puttaparthi
  478. Om Sri Sai Parthigraamodbhavaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is born in Puttaparthi village
  479. Om Sri Sai Parthipureeshaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is the Lord of Parthi village
  480. Om Sri Sai Parthikshetranivaasine Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is the resident of the place Parthi
  481. Om Sri Sai Pathithapaavanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who purifies the degraded
  482. Om Sri Sai Padmapurishaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the Lord of Padmapuri
  483. Om Sri Sai Padmadalanetraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who has eyes like petals of lotus
  484. Om Sri Sai Padmanaabhaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who has lotus in the navel (Lord Vishnu)
  485. Om Sri Sai Panditapanditaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the scholar of scholars
  486. Om Sri Sai Pankajaananaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the lotus faced
  487. Om Sri Sai Pashupathaye Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the master of living beings
  488. Om Sri Sai Parabrahmane Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the supreme spirit
  489. Om Sri Sai Paramaatmane Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the supreme self
  490. Om Sri Sai Parameshwaraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the supreme Lord
  491. Om Sai Sai Parabrahmaswarupaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the form of universal Soul
  492. Om Sri Sai Paramaishwaryakaaranaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the cause for the supreme wealth
  493. Om Sai Sai Paramapavitraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the most sacred
  494. Om Sri Sai Paramaanandamurthaye Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the form of extreme happiness
  495. Om Sri Sai Paramaartaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is the highest truth
  496. Om Sri Sai Paraprakaashaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is the beacon of light
  497. Om Sri Sai Parahitaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the benevolent
  498. Om Sri Sai Paramaspashtaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the most evident
  499. Om Sai Sai Paraatparaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is both remote & proximate
  500. Om Sri Sai Paraashaktiparigrahaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is enveloped by the supreme energy
  501. Om Sri Sai Paranjyothishe Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the most brilliant light
  502. Om Sri Sai Paripaalakaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the guardian
  503. Om Sri Sai Parokshapriyaaya Namah
    503: Salutations to Sri Sai, who likes mystics
  504. Om Sri Sai Paropakaaratatparaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who adheres to charity
  505. Om Sri Sai Pavitraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the ever pure
  506. Om Sri Sai Panchaaksharaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the God of five letters (Na-ma-shi-va-ya – Lord Shiva)
  507. Om Sri Sai Paapaviduraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who removes sins
  508. Om Sri Sai Paapahaarine Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who destroys sins
  509. Om Sri Sai Paavanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who purifies everything
  510. Om Sri Sai Paandurangaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who is verily the form of Panduranga
  511. Om Sri Sai Pingalaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the form of pingala nadi
  512. Om Sri Sai Peedaaparihaarine Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the destroyer of sufferings
  513. Om Sri Sai Puraathanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the ancient
  514. Om Sri Sai Puraanapurushaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the central figure of puranas
  515. Om Sri Sai Purushottamaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the great person
  516. Om Sri Sai Purogamaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the foremost of all
  517. Om Sri Sai Puttaparthi Shaapavimochakaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who released Puttaparthi from the curse
  518. Om Sri Sai Puttaparthi Phalapusht Prasaadaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who gives the reward of prosperity at Puttaparthi
  519. Om Sri Sai Punyaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the meritorious
  520. Om Sri Sai Punyakrite Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who performs meritorious deeds
  521. Om Sri Sai Punyapurushaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the auspicious person
  522. Om Sri Sai Punyaphalapradaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who gives pleasant consequences for meritorious acts
  523. Om Sri Sai Punyavivardhanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who increases merits
  524. Om Sri Sai Punyashravanakirthanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who talks and listens only the auspicious
  525. Om Sri Sai Punyaparaayanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is the goal of good acts
  526. Om Sri Sai Pulkabhushanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is adorned with the thrill of joy
  527. Om Sri Sai Pundarikaakshaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the lotus eyed
  528. Om Sri Sai Purnaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the perfect
  529. Om Sri Sai Purnabodhaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who preaches perfection
  530. Om Sri Sai Purnaanandaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the perfect bliss
  531. Om Sri Sai Pujyaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the honorable
  532. Om Sri Sai Purvajaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the primaeval
  533. Om Sri Sai Prakaashaatmane Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the self luminous
  534. Om Sri Sai Pragrahaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who accepts offerings given with devotion
  535. Om Sri Sai Prathyakshaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the perceptible
  536. Om Sri Sai Prathyakshamurthaye Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the real embodiment of God
  537. Om Sri Sai Pradhaanapurushaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the chief of all
  538. Om Sri Sai Pranavaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the sacred syllable "OM"
  539. Om Sri Sai Pranavanaathaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the master of sacred syllable "OM"
  540. Om Sri Sai Pranavaswarupaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the form of sacred syllable "OM"
  541. Om Sri Sai Pranavaanandaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the bliss of sacred syllable "OM"
  542. Om Sri Sai Pranataarthiharaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who destroys the cry of distress
  543. Om Sri Sai Prashaanthaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the peaceful
  544. Om Sri Sai Prashaanthamaanasaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the tranquil minded
  545. Om Sri Sai Prashaantha Rakshakaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who protects peace
  546. Om Sri Sai Prashanthinilayavaasine Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the resident of Prashanti nilayam (abode of peace)
  547. Om Sri Sai Prashaantinilaya Nirmaarthre Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who built Prashanti Nilayam
  548. Om Sri Sai Prasaadamukhaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the bright faced
  549. Om Sri Sai Prasannarupaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the gracious form
  550. Om Sri Sai Prasannaarthiharaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the destroyer of miseries of the pious
  551. Om Sri Sai Prasarithahastha Sarvasaamagraye Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the one with outstreched hands with all articles to grant
  552. Om Sri Sai Pralayakaarakaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who causes dissolution
  553. Om Sri Sai Praanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the very breath of life
  554. Om Sri Sai Praanadaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the giver of life
  555. Om Sri Sai Prajnaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the wise
  556. Om Sri Sai Priyaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who is dear to all
  557. Om Sri Sai Priyadarshanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is pleasant to look at
  558. Om Sri Sai Preetivardhanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who increases love
  559. Om Sri Sai Premapradaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the inspirer of love
  560. Om Sri Sai Premamurthaye Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the embodiment of love
  561. Om Sri Sai Premaswarupaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the form of love
  562. Om Sri Sai Premaatmane Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the affectionate soul
  563. Om Sri Sai Prema Sainaathavathaara Prathijnaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who has promised to take the incarnation of Prema Sai
  564. Om Sri Sai Bandavimochanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who releases from bondage
  565. Om Sri Sai Balapramathanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the destroyer of evil power
  566. Om Sri Sai Balishtaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the most powerful
  567. Om Sri Sai Bahurupavishwamurthaye Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the manifold with various forms
  568. Om Sri Sai Binduvaasine Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the indweller of an atom
  569. Om Sri Sai Bijaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the origin
  570. Om Sri Sai Brahmarupaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the creator
  571. Om Sri Sai Brahmavivardhanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who increases the sacred knowledge
  572. Om Sri Sai Brahmachaarine Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the chaste
  573. Om Sri Sai Brahmaanandaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the absolute happiness
  574. Om Sri Sai Brahmeshavishnurupaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the form of creator, protector and transformer
  575. Om Sri Sai Brahmopadeshakarte Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the instructor of sacred knowledge
  576. Om Sri Sai Brihathe Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the greatest
  577. Om Sri Sai Brihatshakthidhanurdharaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the archer with abundant power
  578. Om Sri Sai Braahmanapriyaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who likes seekers of Brahman
  579. Om Sri Sai Bhaktapriyaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is fond of devotees
  580. Om Sri Sai Bhaktavatsalaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is kind to His devotees
  581. Om Sri Sai Bhaktamandaaraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is like mandara flower to the devotees
  582. Om Sri Sai Bhaktajanalolaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who likes the devotees
  583. Om Sri Sai Bhaktajanahridayavihaarine Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who roams about in the heart of devotees
  584. Om Sri Sai Bhakthahridvaasine Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the resident in the hearts of devotees
  585. Om Sri Sai Bhakthajanahridaalayaaya Namah

    Salutations to Sri Sai, whose abode is the hearts of devotees
  586. Om Sri Sai Bhakthaparaadhinaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is dependent on the devotees
  587. Om Sri Sai Bhaktasupriyaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is very dear to the devotees
  588. Om Sri Sai Bhaktharodhananigrahandre Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who destroys the cry in distress of devotees
  589. Om Sri Sai Bhakthashaktipradaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who gives strength to the devotees
  590. Om Sri Sai Bhakthimukthipradaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who grants liberation to the devotees
  591. Om Sri Sai Bhakthaabhishtadaayakaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who fulfills the desire of the devotees
  592. Om Sri Sai Bhakthaabhishtavaradaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who grants boons as desired by the devotees
  593. Om Sri Sai Bhakthaabhishtadevathamurthaye Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who manifests in the form desired by devotees
  594. Om Sri Sai Bhakthaanugrahamurthaye Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the Lord who showers grace on the devotees
  595. Om Sri Sai Bhakthaavanasamarthaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is able to satisfy His devotees
  596. Om Sri Sai Bhakthaavanapratijnaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who has taken the oath of protecting His devotees
  597. Om Sri Sai Bhakthaabhishtakaamyaphalapradaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who gives desired results wished by His devotees
  598. Om Sri Sai Bhakthijnaanapradaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who gives devotion & knowledge
  599. Om Sri Sai Bhakthijnaanapradipaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who enlightens the devotion & knowledge
  600. Om Sri Sai Bhakthivivardhanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who promotes devotion
  601. Om Sri Sai Bhagavathe Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the divine
  602. Om Sri Sai Bhavanaashanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the destroyer of wordly tie of birth & death
  603. Om Sri Sai Bhavanadaayakaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who grants dwelling place
  604. Om Sri Sai Bhavarogaharaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the destroyer of worldy diseases
  605. Om Sri Sai Bhavabandhavimochanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the liberator from wordly bondages
  606. Om Sri Sai Bhavathaapaharaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the remover of afflictions of the world
  607. Om Sri Sai Bhavabhaya Bhanjanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who shatters the fear of the world
  608. Om Sri Sai Bhayaharaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the destroyer of apprehension
  609. Om Sri Sai Bhavyaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the gracious
  610. Om Sri Sai Bhajanapriyaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who likes Bhajans
  611. Om Sri Sai Bhasmadaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who gives holy ash
  612. Om Sri Sai Bhasmaavirbhava Hastaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who creates holy ash from His hand
  613. Om Sri Sai Bhasmadhulithavigrahaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is covered with holy ash
  614. Om Sri Sai Bhasmadhulitha Sarvaangaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, whose body is fully covered with holy ash
  615. Om Sri Sai Bhaaradwaaja Rishigotraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is born in the family of Bharadwaja
  616. Om Sri Sai Bhaagavathapriyaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who likes Bhagavatha
  617. Om Sri Sai Bhaagyavardhanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who can increase prosperity
  618. Om Sri Sai Bhaavaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the form of pure existence
  619. Om Sri Sai Bhaaskaraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the sun God
  620. Om Sri Sai Bhishagvaraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the best physician
  621. Om Sri Sai Bhuvaneshwaraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the Lord of universe
  622. Om Sri Sai Bhakti Mukti Swargaapavarga Daayakaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who gives devotion, liberation and heavenly happiness
  623. Om Sri Sai Bhutaavaasaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the abode of all creatures
  624. Om Sri Sai Bhutabhavishyat Bhaavavarjithaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is devoid of past and future states
  625. Om Sri Sai Braajishnave Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the splendid
  626. Om Sri Sai Bhraantinaashanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the destroyer of illusion
  627. Om Sri Sai Bhojyapradaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who gives objects of enjoyment
  628. Om Sri Sai Phaladaayakaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who gives rewards
  629. Om Sri Sai Makaararupaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the form of syllable ‘ma’
  630. Om Sri Sai Madanaashanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the destroyer of ego
  631. Om Sri Sai Madhuraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the pleasant
  632. Om Sri Sai Madhuvachanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who speaks melodiously
  633. Om Sri Sai Madhusudanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the destroyer of worldy pleasures
  634. Om Sri Sai Manoharaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who steals our hearts
  635. Om Sri Sai Manorathaphalapradaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who grants the fruits of hearts’ desire
  636. Om Sri Sai Manovaagatheethaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is beyond thought and word
  637. Om Sri Sai Mandasmithaprabhaakaraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who enlightens with His gentle smile
  638. Om Sri Sai Mandahaasavadanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, whose face has gentle smile
  639. Om Sri Sai Manmatharupaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the loving form
  640. Om Sri Sai Mantratantravishaaradaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is proficient in the doctrine of sacred hymns & mystic formulae
  641. Om Sri Sai Mantratantravidagdhaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who has digested the vedic hymns & magic formulae
  642. Om Sri Sai Mantrasaaraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the essence of sacred hymns
  643. Om Sri Sai Mantraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the holy formulae
  644. Om Sri Sai Mahate Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the great
  645. Om Sri Sai Mahaniyagunaatmane Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is endowed with glorious virtues
  646. Om Sri Sai Mahaadevaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the great Lord (Shiva)
  647. Om Sri Sai Mahaakramaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the great principle
  648. Om Sri Sai Mahaatejasvine Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the most brilliant
  649. Om Sri Sai Mahaashaktaye Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, whose capacity is unbounded
  650. Om Sri Sai Mahaahridayaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the great hearted
  651. Om Sri Sai Mahaanidhaye Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the great treasure
  652. Om Sri Sai Mahimaatmane Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the majestic
  653. Om Sri Sai Maheswaraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the great monarch (Shiva)
  654. Om Sri Sai Mahodayaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the sovereign
  655. Om Sri Sai Mahodaraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the mighty
  656. Om Sri Sai Maathaapitrugururupaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the form of mother, father & teacher
  657. Om Sri Sai Maatsaryanaashakaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the destroyer of jealousy
  658. Om Sri Sai Maargabandhuve Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the companion in the journey (of life)
  659. Om Sri Sai Maadhavatattwarupaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the personified principles of Krishna
  660. Om Sri Sai Maanavatattwarupaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the personified principles of humanity
  661. Om Sri Sai Maadhavaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the Lord of maya
  662. Om Sri Sai Maanasamrakshakaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the protector of self respect
  663. Om Sri Sai Maanyaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, One who is worthy of worship
  664. Om Sri Sai Maayaatheethaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is beyond maya
  665. Om Sri Sai Maayarahitaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One without unreality
  666. Om Sri Sai Maayanaashanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the destroyer of illusion
  667. Om Sri Sai Maayaavimochanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who liberates from maya (illusion)
  668. Om Sri Sai Maayaamaanusharupaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who has taken the form of a human being
  669. Om Sri Sai Maarajanakaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the creator of love
  670. Om Sri Sai Munipriyaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who likes ascetics
  671. Om Sri Sai Munijanasevithaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is served by sages
  672. Om Sri Sai Muktipradaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who grants liberation
  673. Om Sri Sai Murthithrayaswarupaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the form of trinity (God of creation, protection and transformation)
  674. Om Sri Sai Mulaadhaaraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the basic principle
  675. Om Sri Sai Mulaprakrithaye Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the basic nature
  676. Om Sri Sai Mrigapriyaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who likes deer (animals)
  677. Om Sri Sai Mrityunjayaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who can conqueror death
  678. Om Sri Sai Mohanarupaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the charming image
  679. Om Sri Sai Mohanaashanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the destroyer of delusion
  680. Om Sri Sai Mokshadaayakaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who gives liberation
  681. Om Sri Sai Mangalapradaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who gives bliss
  682. Om Sri Sai Mangaladaayakaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who causes happiness
  683. Om Sri Sai Mangalasutradaayakaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who gives marriage thread
  684. Om Sri Sai Yashashe Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the embodiment of success
  685. Om Sri Sai Yashaswine Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the illustrious
  686. Om Sri Sai Yashakaaya Shirdimurthaye Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the embodiment of Shirdi form
  687. Om Sri Sai Yamashikshaanirvahanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who can remove punishments
  688. Om Sri Sai Yamunaathiraviharine Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who moves about in the bank of Yamuna river
  689. Om Sri Sai Yakshakinnaragandharva Sthuthyaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is praised by the yakshas, kinnaras & gandharvas (celestial beings)
  690. Om Sri Sai Yajneswaraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the Lord of sacrifices
  691. Om Sri Sai Yajnagopatre Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the master of sacrificial being
  692. Om Sri Sai Yajnapurushaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the master of sacrifices
  693. Om Sri Sai Yajnasamrakshakaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the protector of sacrifices
  694. Om Sri Sai Yoganidhaye Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the treasure of yoga
  695. Om Sri Sai Yogakshematatparaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the care taker
  696. Om Sri Sai Yogakshemaapahaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the protector of the welfare
  697. Om Sri Sai Yogishwaraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the Lord of all yogis
  698. Om Sri Sai Yogishwaravandithaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is worshipped by the saints
  699. Om Sri Sai Yogyaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the able
  700. Om Sri Sai Ratnaakaravamshodbhavaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is born in the lineage of Ratnakara
  701. Om Sri Sai Ramaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the delightful
  702. Om Sri Sai Ramaniyaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the charming
  703. Om Sri Sai Ramyarupaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the lovely form
  704. Om Sri Sai Raajasattwa Gunaanvitaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the possessor of Rajasic & Sattwic characters
  705. Om Sri Sai Ranganaathaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the Lord Ranganatha
  706. Om Sri Sai Raga Dvesha Vinaashakaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the destroyer of passion and hatred
  707. Om Sri Sai Raamaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the eternal bliss
  708. Om Sri Sai Raama Krishna Shiva Naama Swarupaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the form of Rama, Krishna and Shiva
  709. Om Sri Sai Raajuvamshajanithaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is born in the Raju family
  710. Om Sri Sai Raajivalochanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the lotus eyed
  711. Om Sri Sai Raaghavaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the son of King Raghu (Rama)
  712. Om Sri Sai Raamalingaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the Lord Shiva (Ramalinga)
  713. Om Sri Sai Rudraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the remover of sorrow & its causes
  714. Om Sri Sai Rudraakshaprasaadakaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who gives Rudraaksha rosery
  715. Om Sri Sai Rupalaavanyavigrahaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the elegant form
  716. Om Sri Sai Roganaashanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the destroyer of diseases
  717. Om Sri Sai Lakshanarupaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the characteristic form
  718. Om Sri Sai Lakshmiprasaadakaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who gives riches
  719. Om Sri Sai Lavanyarupaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who is in the form of a charming person
  720. Om Sri Sai Lingaadhishtaana Udaraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who has linga in the stomach
  721. Om Sri Sai Leelamaanusha Vigrahaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who has sported the form of a human being (for the benefit of humanity)
  722. Om Sri Sai Leelaapradarshakaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is playful
  723. Om Sri Sai Lokanaathaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the Lord of the universe
  724. Om Sri Sai Lokabandhavaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the benefactor of mankind
  725. Om Sri Sai Lokarakshaaparaayanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who protects the world
  726. Om Sri Sai Lokashokavinaashakaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the destroyer of worldy miseries
  727. Om Sri Sai Lokavandithaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is respected in all worlds
  728. Om Sri Sai Lokapujyaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is worshipped by all worlds
  729. Om Sri Sai Lokaadhyakshaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who oversees the universe
  730. Om Sri Sai Lobhanaashanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the destroyer of avarice
  731. Om Sri Sai Lohitaakshaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One whose eyes are tinged red
  732. Om Sri Sai Varadaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who grants wishes
  733. Om Sri Sai Varaprasaadakaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who gives boons
  734. Om Sri Sai Varashelaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is of impeccable character
  735. Om Sri Sai Varagunaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who has excellent attributes
  736. Om Sri Sai Varishtaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the best
  737. Om Sri Sai Varenyaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the excellent
  738. Om Sri Sai Vandyaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the praiseworthy
  739. Om Sri Sai Vashyaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the dutiful
  740. Om Sri Sai Vamshavardhanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who makes the lineage prosper
  741. Om Sri Sai Vasupradaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who gives all riches
  742. Om Sri Sai Vaageeshwaraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the master of languages
  743. Om Sri Sai Vaachaspathaye Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the Lord of speech
  744. Om Sri Sai Vaamanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is Vamana (5th incarnation of Lord Vishnu)
  745. Om Sri Sai Vaasudevaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the son of Vasudeva
  746. Om Sri Sai Vikalpa Varjithaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is devoid of diversity
  747. Om Sri Sai Vighnavinaashakaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the destroyer of obstacles
  748. Om Sri Sai Vighneswaraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the Lord of obstacles (Ganesha)
  749. Om Sri Sai Vichetanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the life force
  750. Om Sri Sai Vitheernaamritabinduve Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who grants drop of nectar
  751. Om Sri Sai Videshasanchaarine Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is able to move about without a body
  752. Om Sri Sai Vidyaadaayine Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who gives knowledge
  753. Om Sri Sai Vidyaalankaara Bhushithaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is decorated with the ornament of knowledge
  754. Om Sri Sai Vidyaarambhamurthaye Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who is worshipped at the beginning of education
  755. Om Sri Sai Vidushaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the wise
  756. Om Sri Sai Vidyaadharaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who wears knowledge
  757. Om Sri Sai Vinaayakaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the Lord Vinayaka
  758. Om Sri Sai Vinataaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the pure
  759. Om Sri Sai Vipraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the learned
  760. Om Sri Sai Viprapriyaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who likes the learned
  761. Om Sri Sai Vibudhapriyaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who likes the awakened
  762. Om Sri Sai Vibudhaashrayaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who gives refuge to the sages
  763. Om Sri Sai Vimalaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One without blemish
  764. Om Sri Sai Virupaakshaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who has the third eye (Lord Shiva)
  765. Om Sri Sai Vishaalahridayaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who is generous
  766. Om Sri Sai Vishaalaakshaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who has large eyes
  767. Om Sri Sai Vishishtaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is distinct (one of a kind)
  768. Om Sri Sai Vishuddhaatmane Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the pure self
  769. Om Sri Sai Vishwambharaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who bears the whole world
  770. Om Sri Sai Vishwamurthaye Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, whose body is the universe
  771. Om Sri Sai Vishwakarmane Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the creator of universe
  772. Om Sri Sai Vishweshwaraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the Lord of universe
  773. Om Sri Sai Vismayarupaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the amazing form
  774. Om Sri Sai Vishnave Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the Lord Vishnu, all pervador
  775. Om Sri Sai Vyaakhyaanadevaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the Lord who explains every thing
  776. Om Sri Sai Vyaktadevaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the divine incarnation
  777. Om Sri Sai Vyaapakaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the all pervading
  778. Om Sri Sai Veenagaanapriyaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who likes the music of veena
  779. Om Sri Sai Vrittisamskaaraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who has prepared the code of conduct
  780. Om Sri Sai Vrindaavanasanchaarine Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who moves about in Vrindavana (Lord Krishna)
  781. Om Sri Sai Venkatesharamanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the Lord of Venkata hill
  782. Om Sri Sai Vedapurushaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the principle deity of Vedas
  783. Om Sri Sai Vedaatmane Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the soul of Vedas
  784. Om Sri Sai Vedaangaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the personification of Vedas
  785. Om Sri Sai Vedakrite Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the author of Vedas
  786. Om Sri Sai Vedagarbhaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the core of Vedas
  787. Om Sri Sai Vedavedyaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who is seen by Vedas
  788. Om Sri Sai Vedasaaraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the essence of Vedas
  789. Om Sri Sai Vedavedaantatattwaarthaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is the meaning of scriptures like Veda, Vedantha & Tattwa
  790. Om Sri Sai Vedavidwassadassamrakshakaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the protector of Vedas & Vedic scholars
  791. Om Sri Sai Vedashaastra Ithihaasavyulpannaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is the essence of Vedas, scriptures & histories
  792. Om Sri Sai Vedaadhiswaraara Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the master of Vedas
  793. Om Sri Sai Vedaanthasaaraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the essence of Vedantha
  794. Om Sri Sai Vedaanthavimalaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the pure knowledge of Veda
  795. Om Sri Sai Vaikuntapathaye Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the sovereign of Vaikunta
  796. Om Sri Sai Shaktipradaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who gives strength
  797. Om Sri Sai Shakti Dharaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who is the embodiment of prowess and valor
  798. Om Sri Sai Shankaraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the Lord Shankara (auspiciuous)
  799. Om Sri Sai Shatrumardhanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the destroyer of enemies
  800. Om Sri Sai Shatruprataapanidhaanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who slays rival powers
  801. Om Sri Sai Sharavanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the Lord Sharavana (son of Shiva)
  802. Om Sri Sai Sharanyaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who affords shelter to the surrendered
  803. Om Sri Sai Sharanaagatavatsalaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is affectionate to the surrendered
  804. Om Sri Sai Sharanaagatatraanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the protector of the surrendered
  805. Om Sri Sai Sharanatraanatatparaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is engaged in helping the refugees
  806. Om Sri Sai Sharanaagathaposhanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the guardian of the surrendered
  807. Om Sri Sai Shashishekharaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who has moon as the crown on the head (Lord Shiva)
  808. Om Sri Sai Shaanthaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the peaceful
  809. Om Sri Sai Shaanthaakaaraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who has tranquil appearance
  810. Om Sri Sai Shaanthamurthaye Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who has calm image
  811. Om Sri Sai Shaanthamaanasaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, whose mind is peaceful
  812. Om Sri Sai Shaanthaswarupaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the form of peace
  813. Om Sri Sai Shaanthajanapriyaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who likes quiet persons
  814. Om Sri Sai Shaanthidaayakaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the bestower of peace
  815. Om Sri Sai Shaanthidevaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the personification of peace
  816. Om Sri Sai Shaashwathaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the eternal
  817. Om Sri Sai Shivaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the Lord Shiva
  818. Om Sri Sai Shiva Shankaraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the Lord Shiva Shankara (gracious & auspicious)
  819. Om Sri Sai Shivasaktiswarupaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the form of Lord Shiva & Shakti
  820. Om Sri Sai Shishtaparipaalakaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the guardian of pious people
  821. Om Sri Sai Shubhaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the prosperous
  822. Om Sri Sai Shubhadaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who grants prosperity
  823. Om Sri Sai Shubaangaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the charming person
  824. Om Sri Sai Shubhramaargapradaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who grants radiant path
  825. Om Sri Sai Shubravastraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who wears bright robes
  826. Om Sri Sai Shuddhaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the pure
  827. Om Sri Sai Shuddhasphatikarupaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, whose form is as clear as a crystal
  828. Om Sri Sai shuddhasattwasthithaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, abiding in those with sattwaguna
  829. Om Sri Sai Shuddhajnaanamaargadarshakaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the guide for pure knowledge
  830. Om Sri Sai Shunyamandalamadhyasthithaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the center of the empty (thoughtless) mind
  831. Om Sri Sai Shunyamandalavaasine Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who resides in the ether
  832. Om Sri Sai Sridharaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who possesses fortune
  833. Om Sri Sai Srithisaagaraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the ocean of shruthis – the sacred books
  834. Om Sri Sai Sritismritisampannaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is acquainted with all holy scriptures
  835. Om Sri Sai Sreshtaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who is the superior of all
  836. Om Sri Sai Sreyovahaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who is the means for prosperity
  837. Om Sri Sai Sheshashaayine Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is resting on the serpent (shesha)
  838. Om Sri Sai Shokanaashanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the destroyer of grief
  839. Om Sri Sai Shobhanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the magnificent
  840. Om Sri Sai Shaamasundaraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the appeasingly beautiful
  841. Om Sri Sai Shanmukhaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the Lord Shanmugha (son of Shiva with 6 faces)
  842. Om Sri Sai Shirdi Saimurthaye Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the incarnation of Shirdi Sai Baba
  843. Om Sri Sai Shirdi Sai Abhedashaktiavataaraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the incarnation of Shirdi Sai Baba, the glory of both is without difference
  844. Om Sri Sai Shirdipuranaathaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the monarch of Shirdi
  845. Om Sri Sai Kshamaadhaaraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who possesses supreme patience
  846. Om Sri Sai Kshayaapakaraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who can terminate sins
  847. Om Sri Sai Kshayavriddhivinirmuktaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who liberate from rise & fall
  848. Om Sri Sai Kshaatranaashakaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the destroyer of Kshatriya race(Parashurama, the 6th incarnation of Vishnu)
  849. Om Sri Sai Kshaamanivaarine Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the remover of famine
  850. Om Sri Sai Kshaamavarjithaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is devoid of deficiencies
  851. Om Sri Sai Kshipraprasaadaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who gives grace quickly
  852. Om Sri Sai Kshemadaayakaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who gives comfort
  853. Om Sri Sai Kshetrajaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is born from the womb (as incarnations)
  854. Om Sri Sai Kshetrapaalakaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the Lord of earth
  855. Om Sri Sai Sakalaagamapaarakaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the preacher of entire Tantric work
  856. Om Sri Sai Sakalasamshayaharaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who clears all doubts
  857. Om Sri Sai Sakalatattwabodhakaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who teaches all principles
  858. Om Sri Sai Skandaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the Lord Skanda (son of Shiva)
  859. Om Sri Sai Satpurushaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the eternal absolute being
  860. Om Sri Sai Satparaayanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the goal of the truthful
  861. Om Sri Sai Sadguruve Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the holy teacher
  862. Om Sri Sai Sadaangathaye Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the universal spirit
  863. Om Sri Sai Sathyaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the truth
  864. Om Sri Sai Sathyanaarayanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the Lord Sathyanarayana (God of truth)
  865. Om Sri Sai Sathya Rupaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the form of truth
  866. Om Sri Sai Sathya Jnaanamayaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the possessor of truth & knowledge
  867. Om Sri Sai Sathyapriyaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who likes truth
  868. Om Sri Sai Sathyavrathaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who has taken vow of truthfulness
  869. Om Sri Sai Sathyadharmaparaayanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is adherent to truth & righteousness
  870. Om Sri Sai Sathyasankalpaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, whose thought is truth
  871. Om Sri Sai Sathyavaasaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, whose abode is truth
  872. Om Sri Sai Sathyasandhaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who keeps his promise
  873. Om Sri Sai Sathya Vaachane Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who always speaks truth
  874. Om Sri Sai Sathyaananda Swarupaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the personification of truth & bliss
  875. Om Sri Sai Sathya Tattwa Bodhakaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who preaches the principles of truth
  876. Om Sri Sai Sathyam Shivam Sundaraswarupaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the form of truth, auspiciousness and delight
  877. Om Sri Sai Sathya Swabhaavaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One with truthful nature
  878. Om Sri Sai Sathya Rupaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the form of truth
  879. Om Sri Sai Sathwachintakaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the strong thinker
  880. Om Sri Sai Sadaashivaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the Lord Sadashiva (ever auspicious)
  881. Om Sri Sai Sadaabhatachintanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who thinks always about the devotees
  882. Om Sri Sai Sadaanandaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the perpetual bliss
  883. Om Sri Sai Sanakaadimunistutyaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is praised by Sanaka & other sages
  884. Om Sri Sai Sanaathanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the most ancient
  885. Om Sri Sai Sanaathanadharma Bodhakaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the preacher of ancient religion
  886. Om Sri Sai Sanaathanasaarathaye Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the eternal guide
  887. Om Sri Sai Sannivaasaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the abode of truth
  888. Om Sri Sai Sandehanivarine Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the remover of doubts
  889. Om Sri Sai Sanmunisharanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the protector of great sages
  890. Om Sri Sai Sanyaasine Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the ascetic
  891. Om Sri Sai Sacchidaatmane Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the truthful and supreme spirit
  892. Om Sri Sai Sacchidaanandaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the absolute consciousness & bliss
  893. Om Sri Sai Samarthaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who is very capable
  894. Om Sri Sai Sambhavaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who has equanimity
  895. Om Sri Sai Samadrishtaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the impartial
  896. Om Sri Sai Samarasagunaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who has steady emotions
  897. Om Sri Sai Samarasasampannaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who possesses equanimity
  898. Om Sri Sai Samarasasanmargasthaapanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who establishes the just and righteous path
  899. Om Sri Sai Samaadhaanatatparaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is fond of religious meditation
  900. Om Sri Sai Samastadosha Parigrahanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the remover of all deficiencies
  901. Om Sri Sai Saarasaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the elegant
  902. Om Sri Sai Sarvaatmane Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the universal soul
  903. Om Sri Sai Sarvajnaanapriyaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is dear to all
  904. Om Sri Sai Sarvalokapujyaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is worshipped in all worlds
  905. Om Sri Sai Sarvashaktimurthaye Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the personification of total energy
  906. Om Sri Sai Sarvavidyaadhipaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the master of total knowledge
  907. Om Sri Sai Sarvasangaparithyaagine Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is free from all bondages
  908. Om Sri Sai Sarvaantharyaamine Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the Omnipresent
  909. Om Sri Sai Sarvabhayanivaarine Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who removes all fears
  910. Om Sri Sai Sarvaadhaaraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the basis for everything
  911. Om Sri Sai Sarvadevathaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the form of all Gods
  912. Om Sri Sai Sarvahridvaasine Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the indweller in every heart
  913. Om Sri Sai Sarvapunyaphalapradaayine Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who grants all beneficial results
  914. Om Sri Sai Sarvapaapakshayakaraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the destroyer of the consequences of all sins
  915. Om Sri Sai Sarvavighnavinaashanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the destroyer of all obstacles
  916. Om Sri Sai Sarvaroganivaarine Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the remover of all diseases
  917. Om Sri Sai Sarvasahaayaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who helps all
  918. Om Sri Sai Sarvabaadhaharaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the destroyer of all afflictions
  919. Om Sri Sai Sarvaduhkhaprashamanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the destroyer of all pains
  920. Om Sri Sai Sarvakashtanivaarakaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the destroyer of all difficulties
  921. Om Sri Sai Sarvaabhishtapradaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who fulfills all wishes
  922. Om Sri Sai Sarvamangalakaraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who makes every thing auspicious
  923. Om Sri Sai Sarvasiddhipradaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who gives universal success
  924. Om Sri Sai Sarvamathasammathaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One acceptable to all religions
  925. Om Sri Sai Sarvalakshanasampannaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is endowed with all auspiciousness
  926. Om Sri Sai Sarvavikhyaathaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is well known to all
  927. Om Sri Sai Sarvadevathaamurthaye Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the Lord of all deities
  928. Om Sri Sai Sarvajnaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the Omniscient
  929. Om Sri Sai Sarveshwaraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the universal monarch
  930. Om Sri Sai Sahajaatmane Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the real soul
  931. Om Sri Sai Sankataharaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who removes difficulties
  932. Om Sri Sai Samvardhakaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who promotes proseperity
  933. Om Sri Sai Sankirtanapriyaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who likes Bhajans
  934. Om Sri Sai Samtriptaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the self contented
  935. Om Sri Sai Sampurnaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who is full
  936. Om Sri Sai Samsaaradukhakshayakaraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the destroyer of sorrows of the world
  937. Om Sri Sai Sangeetasantriptaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is satisfied with music
  938. Om Sri Sai Satsangapujithaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who is worshipped by good people
  939. Om Sri Sai Saarasaakshaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the lotus eyed
  940. Om Sri Sai Saadhakaanugrahavatavriksha Pratishtaapakaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who installed the banyan tree that can bless seekers of knowledge
  941. Om Sri Sai Saadhakaprerakaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who encourages seekers
  942. Om Sri Sai Saadhuvartanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who promotes the virtous
  943. Om Sri Sai Saadhujanaposhakaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the protector of the noble
  944. Om Sri Sai Saadhumaanasashobhitaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who enlightens the minds of the pious
  945. Om Sri Sai Saadhumaanasaparishodhakaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who corrects aspiring minds
  946. Om Sri Sai Saadhujanarakshakaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the guardian of the righteous
  947. Om Sri Sai Saamagaanapriyaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who likes the chanting of Saamans (hymns from Saama Veda)
  948. Om Sri Sai Saakshtaatkaaraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the embodiment of realisation
  949. Om Sri Sai Siddhirupaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the embodiment of success
  950. Om Sri Sai Siddhasankalpaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, whose wishes are accomplished by His sankalpa
  951. Om Sri Sai Siddhasangasamanvithaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is associated with the pious
  952. Om Sri Sai Siddheswaraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the Lord of perfection
  953. Om Sri Sai Siddhaarthaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the efficient
  954. Om Sri Sai Siddhipradaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the bestower of success
  955. Om Sri Sai Sukumaaraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is very tender
  956. Om Sri Sai Sukhadaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the bestower of happiness
  957. Om Sri Sai Subhagaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the proseprous
  958. Om Sri Sai Sumukhaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the bright faced
  959. Om Sri Sai Sudarshanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, whose Darshan bestows liberation (One who is easily seen by devotees)
  960. Om Sri Sai Sumanoharaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is very captivating
  961. Om Sri Sai Suravaraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the greatest among the deities
  962. Om Sri Sai Surottamaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the chief of Gods
  963. Om Sri Sai Sundaravadanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the charming faced
  964. Om Sri Sai Sundararupaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the beautiful form
  965. Om Sri Sai Sulabhaprasannaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is easily pleased
  966. Om Sri Sai Sulochanaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, whose eyes are beautiful
  967. Om Sri Sai Suprasaadaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is extremeley gracious
  968. Om Sri Sai Supradiptaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the most shining
  969. Om Sri Sai Susheelaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the well conducted
  970. Om Sri Sai Suhrishtachittaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the good hearted
  971. Om Sri Sai Sujanapaalaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the protector of good
  972. Om Sri Sai Subrahmanyaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the form of Subramanya (son of Shiva)
  973. Om Sri Sai Sukshmaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the subtle
  974. Om Sri Sai Srishtisthithilayaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the creation, protection & dissolution
  975. Om Sri Sai Srishtisthithisamhaarakaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the creator, protector & transformer
  976. Om Sri Sai Swaprakaashaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the self luminous
  977. Om Sri Sai Swayambhuve Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the self existing
  978. Om Sri Sai Swecchotpaadithaamrithakalashaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who has created by will the jar with ambrosia
  979. Om Sri Sai Somaskandaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who has moon as His companion
  980. Om Sri Sai Sthavyaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the praiseworthy
  981. Om Sri Sai Sthiraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the permanent
  982. Om Sri Sai Sthulasukshmapradarshakaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who sustains the mighty & subtle
  983. Om Sri Sai Stotraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who likes laudatory hymns
  984. Om Sri Sai Harapriyaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who is beloved of Shiva
  985. Om Sri Sai Hariswarupaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the Lord Vishnu
  986. Om Sri Sai Hariharaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the Lord Vishnu and Shiva conjoined
  987. Om Sri Sai Harikeshaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the Lord Shiva
  988. Om Sri Sai Hamsaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the supreme soul
  989. Om Sri Sai Hitakaaraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the benefactor
  990. Om Sri Sai Hiranmayaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the Lord Brahma
  991. Om Sri Sai Hiranyagarbhaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the self existent Brahman
  992. Om Sri Sai Hridayavihaarine Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who moves about in the hearts
  993. Om Sri Sai Hridayagranthichedakaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who penetrates deep into the heart
  994. Om Sri Sai Hrishikeshaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the master of senses
  995. Om Sri Sai Jnaanamurthaye Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the knowledge personified
  996. Om Sri Sai Jnaanaswarupaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the embodiment of knowledge
  997. Om Sri Sai Jnaanaprakaashaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who illuminates the knowledge
  998. Om Sri Sai Jnaanaavathaaraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the incarnation of knowledge
  999. Om Sri Sai Jnaanagamyaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the goal of knowledge
  1000. Om Sri Sai Jnaanamahaanidhaye Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the great treasure of knowledge
  1001. Om Sri Sai Jnaanasiddhaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who grants fulfilment of knowledge
  1002. Om Sri Sai Jnaanavairaagyadaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who gives wisdom & removes attachment to wordly desires
  1003. Om Sri Sai Jnaanachakshushe Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who gives vision of wisdom
  1004. Om Sri Sai Jnaanamaargapradarshakaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, who guides the path of wisdom
  1005. Om Sri Sai Jnaananetrasambhuthaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who possesses eyes of intelligence
  1006. Om Sri Sai Jnaaneshwaraaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the master of knowledge
  1007. Om Sri Sai Jnaanavijnaanashobhithaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the One who is endowed with intelligence & special knowledge
  1008. Om Sri Sai Sathya Sai Baabaaya Namah
    Salutations to Sri Sai, the Lord Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Suprabhatham literally means ‘good morning’! (Su, good, prabhatham, morning or dawn). In Western culture, people wish each other “Good Morning.” But in Indian culture this is not done, because it is considered to be the equivalent of pouring water on the leaves of a tree. For effective watering of a tree, water must be given to the roots of a tree. The root of the Tree of Life is God. So God, who is latent and immanent in all, is sought out and made patent and public. In this prayer God is visualised as sleeping and then woken up and wished “Good Morning.” Of course the Divinity in us is never asleep; but unless we take at least one step towards activating it, it does not manifest itself. Such a step is the singing of Suprabhatham, and putting into practice its implications.

The first two stanzas of any Suprabhatham song exhort the sleeping God in us to arise (uththista). This word is repeated four times. First, God is requested to get up in order to engage in Divine duties for the day (Kartavyam Daiva Mahnikam). Second, it reminds God that He is not an ordinary person, but one with responsibilities for the whole world. The last “please get up” addresses Him as the ‘Most Merciful One’ and requests Him to get up for the sake of the welfare of the world as a whole (Loka Mangalam).

When we pray thus, the Divinity inherent in us is manifested not for the sake of individual material welfare, but for the purpose of the welfare of the whole world or at least for the integration of the whole personality: physical, mental and spiritual.

After the first two stanzas others follow, each of them ending with wishing God “Good Morning.” The Venkatesa Suprabhatham, which is the most famous Suprabhatham song in India, says its first “Good Morning” to the consort of God, the Goddess who personifies Mercy and Compassion, and is said to be resident in His chest region. In the later stanzas, Lord Venkateswara of the Seven Hills (Tirupathi) is recognised as one of the forms of the omnipotent, and omnipresent, omniscient God – the originator and sustainer of the creation, the protector of His Devotees. He is also recognised and praised as the one who has descended to earth repeatedly in suitable forms for the removal of rampant evil and the re-establishment of Dharma for human beings. In the last but one stanza, He is seen as the Bridge that alone helps us to cross the ocean of life.

In the Sri Sathya Sai Suprabhatham the approach is quite different. The six ‘Good Mornings’ are respectively said by:

  1. Selfless volunteers (sevadals) in service of God
  2. Singers of Soul-stirring, Heart-purifying bhajans
  3. Devotees who have a special aptitude and enthusiasm in worshipping God ritually (Puja) with lamps, flowers, etc.,
  4. Devotees who are intellectuals like scientists, but have realised the validity of super- sensory, beyond-the-mind Truths, revealed in Scriptures
  5. Devotees who are interested in knowing the Nature of Life, mo e than anything else, and have come to Prasanthi Nilayam to seek answers for their questions from the Lord
  6. The totally dedicated devotees who are wedded to the Lord for life and who seek nothing except praising the Lord and implicitly obeying His will.

Depending upon the levels of consciousness, different interpretations may be read between the lines of Sri Sathya Sai Suprabhatham.

For example, one devotee wrote in “Sanathan Sarathi” magazine long ago that the six stanzas actually refer to six stages of spiritual awakening or of activating the spiritual centers inherent in our body. Accordingly, the Chitravathi mentioned in the third stanza represents the skeleton body, with three nadis: ida, pingala and susumna. This is an interpretation welling out of a subjective experience, which when accepted gives a different dimension and meaning to the meaning to the prayer. Devotees who have just begun their journey as spiritual aspirants should sing this Suprabhatham between 4 am and 6 am as a regular spiritual exercise.

However, the maximum benefits may begin to flow only when the meaning is well understood and the implications sought are put into practise in day-today life. As Bhagawan Baba has pointed out, one must try to “awaken the Divinity inherent in everyone, not by preaching, but by the exemplary practise of Truthfulness, Right Conduct, Peace and Love towards every being.” That indeed will be the true Suprabhatham, heralding the dawn of the Golden Age for Mankind!

Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Suprabatham

Easwaramba Suthah Shreeman
Poorvaa Sandhyaa Pravarthathe
Utthishta Sathya Sayeesha
Karthavyam Daivam Aanhikam


O Son of Easwaramba ! O Resplendent Majestic One ! Dawn is heralding in the East. The daily tasks of Divinity which Thou hast undertaken has to be accomplished, therefore, awake, O Lord Sathya Sai!

Utthishtotthishta Partheesha
Utthishta Jagadheepathey
Utthishta Karunapoorna
Loka Mangala Siddhaye


Awake, Awake, O Lord of Parthi! O Lord of the entire Universe and Mankind ! Awake, O Compassionate Lord! So that the world attain auspiciousness, happiness, prosperity, welfare and blessings.

Chitraavathi Thata Vishaala Sushaantha Soudhey
Thishtanthi Sevaka Janaah Thava Darshanaartham
Aadhithya Kaanthiranubhaathi Samastha Lokaan
Sri Sathya Sai Bhagawan Thava Suprabhatham


In the vast Mansion, full of bliss and tranquility, (Prashanthi Nilayam) on the banks of the river Chitravathi, those anxious to serve Thee are waiting for Thy Darshan. The radiance of the Sun is illumining the World. O Lord Sathya Sai! Blessed by Thy wakefulness, we pray for an auspicious day.

Thwannaama Keerthana Rathaah Thava Divya Naama
Gaayanthi Bhakthi Rasa Paana Prahrushta Chiththaah
Daathum Krupaasahitha Darshanamaashu Thebhyah
Sri Sathya Sai Bhagawan Thava Suprabhatham


Devotees engrossed in singing Thy Glory are happy and blissful, when they taste the nectar of devotion. Kindly shower Thy Grace by granting them Thy Darshan. O Lord Sathya Sai! Blessed by Thy wakefulness, we pray for an auspicious day.

Aadhaaya Divya Kusumaani Manoharaani
Sreepaada Poojana Vidhim Bhavadanghri Mooley
Karthum Mahothsukathayaa Pravishanti Bhakthaah
Sri Sathya Sai Bhagawan Thava Suprabhatham


Bringing holy flowers with captivating colors and fragrance, for worshipping Thy Lotus Feet, in the form as prescribed by the scriptures, Thy devotees are coming in, with great yearning and enthusiasm. O Lord Sathya Sai! Blessed by Thy wakefulness, we pray for an auspicious day.

Desaantharaagatha Budhaah Thava Divya Moorthim
Sandharshanaabhirat hi Samyutha Chiththa Vruthyaa
Vedoktha Manthra Pathanena Lasanthyajasram
Sri Sathya Sai Bhagawan Thava Suprabhatham


Wise persons from distant countries, moved by yearning to have Thy Darshan, have come and they are having great delight in reciting constantly mantras of the Vedas. O Lord Sathya Sai! Blessed by Thy wakefulness, we pray for an auspicious day.

Shruthva Thavaadbhutha Charithram Akhanda Keerthim
Vyaaptham Diganthara Vishaala Dharaathalesmin
Jignaasu Lokaupathishtathi Chaasramesmin
Sri Sathya Sai Bhagawan Thava Suprabhatham


Hearing Thy marvellous tales and fame that has reached the farthest horizons, earnest seekers of Reality have come to this place and are waiting. O Lord Sathya Sai! Blessed by Thy wakefulness, we pray for an auspicious day.

Seetha Sathee Sama Vishuddha Hridhambu Jaathaah
Bahvanganaa Kara Gruheetha Supushpa Haaraah
Sthunvanthi Divyanuthibhih Phani Bhushanam Thwaam
Sri Sathya Sai Bhagawan Thava Suprabhatham


Women devotees, whose (petals of) heart are unattached to the world like Lotus petals (which are unattached to the water in which they grow, even though they cannot survive without water) and are similar to Mother Seetha in virtues and piousness are singing Thy Glory – the Glory of Lord Shiva adorned with Serpent around His neck – through holy hymns holding excellent flower garlands in their hands. O Lord Sathya Sai! Blessed by Thy wakefulness, we pray for an auspicious day.

Suprabhatham Idam Punyam Ye
Patanthi Dine Dine
Tey Vishanthi Param Dhaama
Jnaana Vijnaana Shobhithaah


Whoever daily recites this morning awakening Hymn will attain the Highest Abode resplendent with the Supreme intelligence as well as Supreme wisdom.

Mangalam Guru Devaaya
Mangalam Jnaana Dhaayine
Mangalam Parthi Vaasaaya
Mangalam Sathya Saayine


May the divine Guru be auspicious to us; May the Bestower of wisdom be auspicious to us; May the Lord, Who manifested in Parthi be auspicious to us; May Bhagawan Sathya Sai Baba be auspicious to us.

Om Sai Ram

Divine Morning Prayer

To be chanted in the morning as soon as we get up from the bed and has to be chanted looking at the palm of our hands.

Karaagre Vaasate Lakshmi
Kara Madhye Saraswathi
Kara Moole Sthita Gauri
Prabahate Kara Darshanam


On the tip of my fingers resides Lakshmi, the Goddess of propserity and wealth. In the middle of my hands is Saraswathi, the Goddess of knowledge and learning. In the palm of my hands sits Mother Gauri, the Goddess of protection. Visulaizing in this manner, I take darshan of my hands every morning.

English Version

“Oh Lord, I Am Now Born From The Womb Of Sleep.

I Am Determined To Carry Out All The Tasks This Day As Offerings To Thee,

With Thee Ever Present Before My Mind’s Eye.

Make My Words, Thoughts And Deeds Sacred And Pure;

Let Me Inflict No Pain On Anyone; Let No-One Inflict Pain On Me.

Direct Me, Guide Me This Day”.

Divine Prayer Before Meals

Brahmaarpanam Brahma Havir
Brahmaagnau Brahmanaa Hutam
Brahmaiva Tena Gantavyam
Brahma Karma Samaadhinaha


This is 24th verse from the 4th chapter of Bhagavad Gita. The act of offering is Brahman. The offering itself is Brahman. The offering is done by Brahman in the sacred fire which is Brahman. He alone attains Brahman who, in all actions, is fully absorbed in Brahman. (As we chant this prayer we are offering the different types of food to Brahman).

Aham Vaishvaanaro Bhutva
Praaninaam Dehamaashritha
Praanaapaana Samaa Yuktaha
Pachaamyannam Chatur Vidam


This is 14th verse from the 15th chapter of Bhagavad Gita This sloka is a sort of acknowledgement and assurance to us from Brahman. “I am Vaishnavara, existing as fire God in the bodies of living beings. Being associated with ingoing (prana) and outgoing (apaana) life breaths, I will digest all the four different types of food (that which we bite and chew; that which we masticate with the tongue; those which we gulp; that which we swallow) and purify them.”

Harir Daatha Harir Bhoktha
Harir Annam Prajaapatih
Harir Vipra Shareerastu
Bhoonkte Bhojayathe Harih


Oh Lord Hari, You are the food, You are the enjoyer of the food, You are the giver of food. Therefore, I offer all that I consume at Thy Lotus Feet.

Swami’s explanation of this prayer

We should partake food with a Sathwic mind. Our ancestors recommended the offering of food to God before partaking. Food so partaken becomes “Prasadam” Prayer cleanses the food of the thre impurities; caused by the absence of cleanliness of the vessel, cleanliness of the food stuff, and cleanliness in the process of cooking. It is necessary to get rid of these three impurities to purify the food; for, pure food goes into the making of a pure mind. It is not possible to ensure the purity of the cooking process, since we do not know what thoughts rage in the mind of the man who prepares the food. Similarly, we cannot ensure the cleanliness of the food ingredients as we do not know whether it was acquired in a righteous way by the seller who has sold it to us. Hence, it is essential on our part to offer food to God in the form of prayer, so that these three impurities do not afflict our mind.

“The food thus offered to God is digested by ‘Vaishwanara” in the digestive system. Since God exists in the form of fire as Vaishwanara, He digests the food along with the impurities. So, man will not be affected even i the impurities enter the food.”


Source ” Summer Showers in Brindavan ” 1993 Page 86.

Divine Night Prayer

To be chanted at night before going to bed.

Kara Charana Kritham Vaak Kaayajam Karmajam Vaa
Sravana Nayanajam Vaa Maanasam Vaa Aparadham
Vihitham Avihitham Vaa Sarvametat Kshamasva
Jaya Jaya Karunaabdhe Sri Maha Deva Shambho


Oh Lord, please forgive me for all the wrong actions that I have committed with my hands, feet, speech, body, ears, eyes and mind. Please pardon me for all the wrong actions that I have done knowingly or unknowingly. Victory to You, oh Lord of compassion and mercy.

English Version

“Oh Lord, The Tasks Of This Day Whose Burden I Placed On You This Morning Are Over.

It Was You Who Made Me Walk, Talk, Think, And Act.

I Therefore Place At Thy Feet All My Words, Thoughts And Deeds.

My Task Is Done, Receive Me.

I Am Coming Back To You”.

Divine Guru Prayer

Mangalam Guru Devaaya
Mangalam Gyan Dayine
Mangalam Parthi Vasaaya
Mangalam Sathya Sai Ne
Om Shanthi Shanthi Shanthi


“May The Divine Guru Be Auspicious To Us. May The Bestower Of Wisdom Be Auspicious To Us. May The Lord, Who Manifested In Parthi, Be Auspicious To Us. May Bhagwan Sathya Sai Baba Be Auspicious To Us”.

Gurur Brahmaa Gurur Vishnu,
Gurur Devo Maheswara,
Gurur Saaksaat Param Brahma,
Tasmai Shri Guruve Namaha.


Guru Is Brahmaa (Who plants the qualities of goodness),
Guru Is Vishnu (Who nurtures and fosters the qualities of goodness),
Guru Is Maheswara (Who weeds out the bad quality),
Guru Is Supreme Brahman Itself,
Prostration Unto That Guru.

Gayathri Mantra

Om Bhoor Bhuwah Swah
Tat Savitur Varenyam;
Bhargo Devasya Dheemahee;
Dhiyo Yo Nah Prachodayat.


Supreme Lord; You alone are true. You alone are worthy of glorification and oblation. You are the creator and sustainer of all. You are the giver of life.

Divine father, the source of existence, intelligence and bliss, you are all powerful, all-wise, eternal and merciful.
You know my feelings. Nothing is hidden from you. I want to worship you in the temple of my heart.

I want to feel the presence in me and in everything. You are Great, Good and Pure. Help me, father, to live a good, pure and sinless life. Illumine and inspire my intellect. Grant me great understanding and a peaceful mind, that I may live in the presence of your Divine Glory.

Sai Gayathri

Om Sayeesvaraya Vidmahe,
Sathya Devaaya Dheemahi,
Thannah Sarva Prachodayat.
Om Shanthi Shanthi Shanthi.


We know this Sai is Supreme Divinity incarnate.
We meditate on this God of Truth.
May this Almighty Personality lead us
on the path of total liberation.

Shanti Mantra

Asatoma Sadgamaya
Tamasoma Jyotirgamaya
Mrtyorma Amrtamgamaya
Om Shaanti Shaanti Shaantihi


O Lord Lead Us From The Unreal To The Real,
Lead Us From Untruth To Truth,
Lead Us From Darkness To Light,
Lead Us From Death To Immortality,
Oh God Let There Be Peace Peace Peace

Sarva Dharma Prayer

Om Tatsat Sri Naaraayana Tu
Purushottama Guru Tu
Siddha Buddha Tu Skanda Vinaayaka
Savita Paavaka Tu
Brahma Mazda Tu Yahva Shakti Tu
Yesu Pitaa Prabhu Tu
Rudra Vishnu Tu Raama Krshna Tu
Raheem Tao Tu
Vasudeva Go Visvaroopa Tu
Chidaananda Hari Tu
Adviteeya Tu Akaala Nirbhaya
Aatmalinga Siva Tu
Param Aatmalinga Siva Tu
Om Shaanti Shaanti Shaantihi


Thou art THAT, Thou art Truth, You are the Lord who lives in all
You are the supreme Teacher
Buddha and Siddha of the Jains You destroy evil and clear obstacles
You are the energy of the sun that nourishes and purifies
You are the Great universal God You are Jehovah and Divine Power
You are the Purifier and Sustainer You are both Rama and Krishna
You are all kindness You are the Tao of all Knowledge
You are the all-pervading Divinity The universe is Your Body
You are Consciousness and Bliss
You are One without a second You are beyond all time and fear
You are Shiva, and through You the Formless takes Forms and
becomes manifest as Creation.

Mangala Aarti

Om Jai Jagadeeshahare Swami Sathya Sai Hare
Bhakta Jana Samrakshaka
Bhakta Jana Samrakshaka
Parti Maheshwaraa
Om Jai Jagadeeshahare

Sasi Vadanaa Sree Kara
Sarva Praana Pate
Swami Sarva Praana Pate
Aasrita Kalpalateeka
Aasrita Kalpalateeka
Aapad Bandhava
Om Jai Jagadeeshahare

Maata Pita Guru Daivamu
Mari Antayu Neeve
Swami Mari Antayu Neeve
Naada Brahma Jagannatha
Naada Brahma Jagannatha
Naagendra Sayanaa
Om Jai Jagadeeshahare

Omkara Roopa Ojasvi
O Sai Mahaadeva
Sathya Sai Mahaadeva
Mangala Haarati Anduko
Mangala Haarati Anduko
Mandara Giridhaari
Om Jai Jagadeeshahare

Naaraayana Naaraayana Om
Sathya Naaraayana Naaraayana Naaraayana Om
Naaraayana Naaraayana Om
Sathya Naaraayana Naaraayana Om
Sathya Naaraayana Naaraayana Om
Om Jai Sadguru Devaa
Repeat this verse two more times with increasing tempo

Om Shaanti Shaanti Shaantihi


Victory to Lord of Universe, Lord Sathya Sai, Who destroys grief, evil and miseries of life and Who guards and protects devotees. Victory to Lord of Lords – Lord of Parthi

O Graceful and Charming as a Full Moon ! O Auspicious One ! O Lord Sai! Thou art the Indweller and life-force of all Beings; the wish- fulfilling Divine creeper to those who have surrendered to Thee; and kinsman, protector and friend in times of distress and calamities. Victory to Lord of Universe.

O Lord Sai! Thou art Mother, Father, Noble Teacher, Supreme Divinity and everything to us. O Lord Universe! Thou art Primeval Sound and art reclined on coiled serpent.

O Splendorous One ! O Lord of Lords – Lord Sai ! Thou Form is Pranava. We pray Thee to accept the auspicious waving of flame of light (signifying the removal of ignorance). Victory to Thee, O Lord of Universe, Resident of Mandhar mountain – Lord Giridhari.

Chant the name of Lord Sathya Sai Narayana, Whose Form is Pranava. Victory to Noble Teacher and Supreme Lord Sai, Sathya Sai.

Universal Prayer

Samastha Lokaa Sukhino Bhavantu
Samastha Lokaa Sukhino Bhavantu
Samastha Lokaa Sukhino Bhavantu


May The Denisens Of The World Have Peace And Happiness.

Vibhooti Mantra

Paramam Pavitram Baba Vibhootim
Paramam Vichitram Leela Vibhootim
Paramaartha Ishtaartha Moksha Pradaatam
Baba Vibhootim Idamashrayaami
Baba Vibhootim Idamashrayaami
Baba Vibhootim Idamashrayaami
Repeat this verse 2 more times


Bhagawan’s Vibhuti Is Immensely Sacred And Powerful; It’s Effects Are Mysterious. One Should Take Refuge In The Supreme, Protective Power And Infinite Grace Of Baba’s Vibhuti Which Enables One To Attain Moksha

Sri Sathya Sai Baba (and variations of it) as well as the “Sarva Dharma” emblems and the “Human Values” emblem or variations of them, are trademarks of the Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust in India and Sai Organisations in various countries throughout the world.

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The youth wing consists of all devotees from the age of 17 to 32 and the youth act as a support and do Seva whenever the opportunities arise. They run the library and are responsible for the creation and maintenance of the website. In the past, they have authored and published the Birthday souvenir booklets, conducted the youth conference for East Africa in 2009 and organised various fundraisers for the poor.

The ladies wing organises the decoration and cleaning of the altar. The ladies wing meets every Thursday morning at 10:30 AM onwards to make garlands, clean the Centre and decorate the altar. They also assist in preparing food for Narayan Seva and other festivals.

The calendar below shows the schedule of all the Ladies Wing activities.

Hands that serve are holier than lips that pray.
Service to man is service to God.

Sri Sathya Sai Baba.

Service/Seva is the most important tenet of the Sathya Sai Organisation. Service as defined by Swami, is an action performed for the benefit of mankind with love and devotion. Sri Sathya Sai Centre Kenya initiated and provides the following services:

  • Medical Services – Sri Sathya Sai Medical and Dental Clinic at the Sai Centre
  • Narayan Seva – Feeding poor children at the Centre on alternate Sundays
  • Visits and Donations to homes for the needy

At the medical clinic, free medical services are offered by a full time doctor, who is available for consultation from Monday to Saturday. A pathological laboratory has also been setup to provide facilities to do pathology tests. Recently a Dental clinic has been setup to provide dental services. The dental clinic operates on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays.

Photos of Medical and Dental Clinics

Medical and Dental Clinic
Dental Examination Room
Doctor Consultancy Room
Reception for Medical and Dental Clinic
Medical and Dental Clinic Reception
Pathology Lab at the Medical and Dental Clinic
Medical Examination Room

Narayan Seva is carried out twice a month and on the nine consecutive sundays prior to Baba’s birthday. Approximately 500 children are fed with a full meal. There has been an overwhelming response and support for the narayan seva programme.

Photos of Narayan Seva

Service Wing Regular Activities

Narayan Seva

Sunday – 8:30 AM onwards

Medical Clinic

Monday – Saturday – 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Dental Clinic

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, & Saturday – 2:30 PM to 5:00 PM

The calendar below shows the schedule of all service related activities.

Wherever Sathya [Truth], Dharma [Righteousness], Santhi [Peace] and Prema [Love] are emphasised, in whatever religion or language, there we have Sanathana Dharma [the Eternal Gospel].

Whoever tries to understand the Human Values of Truth, Righteous conduct, Peace, Love and Non-violence properly, who practises these values and propagates them with zeal and sincerity can alone be described as a truly educated person.

Sri Sathya Sai Baba, 24 March 1958

Education in Human Values is one of the cardinal principles of the Sai Organisation and all the education efforts by the organisation are solidly based on these five basic human values; Truth (Sathya), Right-conduct (Dharma), Peace (Shanti), Love (Prema) and Non-violence (Ahimsa).

Currently, The Education Wing conducts the Sathya Sai Education In Human Values (SSEHV) classes (Bal Vikas) and also runs the Sathya Sai School in Kisaju a town about 60 km from Nairobi.

SSEHV (Bal Vikas) Classes

The SSEHV (Bal Vikas) classes are recommended for all children between the ages of six and sixteen. Aside from being taught the Human Values, the children are also taught about all the major religions in the world, spirituality, bhajans and slokas and also how to deal with everyday life situations such as peer pressure etc. The classes are conducted every Saturday afternoon from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM with a special balvikas bhajan being conducted on the last Saturday of each month.

Sathya Sai School – Kisaju

This Centre established the Sathya Sai Education Trust in 2001. The Sathya Sai Education Trust established the Sathya Sai School in Kisaju which is a pioneering autonomous education project in Kenya. The objective of the trust is to establish and operate learning institutions by providing an ideal value based education system. Not only do the institutions follow the national curriculum, but also integrate the Human Values – Truth, Right Conduct, Peace, Love, and Non Violence – in the education system in order to promote spiritual, moral, academic and environmental awareness in the pupil’s developmental process. The school provides free education including free boarding and lodging facilities for destitute and marginalised children. The school is a Primary School from Class 1 to Class 8.

In addition, the pupils are taught to develop a positive perspective of life in relation with others for the national welfare of all. They should have a balanced view of various cultures, religions and customs prevailing in Kenya so that they become indoctrinated into the principles of ‘Brotherhood of man’ and ‘Fatherhood of God’.

Bookshop and Library

The Centre maintains a bookshop for selling books on Sai literature. Contact Brother Dave (Caretaker for the Centre) to buy any books.

The Centre also maintains a library with a reading room for Sai Publications and Journals. Devotees are welcome to visit the library and use the reading room as well as borrow books to take home.

The calendar below shows the schedule of all service related activities.

When all the participants in a bhajan sing in unison, what sacred vibrations are produced and what Divine energies are released! When these vibrations fill the world, what changes cannot they bring about! When one sings alone, the heart is merged in the song. But when many sing together, it acquires a Divine power.

Sri Sathya Sai Baba.

Bhajans/ Group devotional singing is one of the fundamental practices of the Sathya Sai Centers around the world. Bhajans are held twice a week on Thursday and Saturday. In addition to Bhajans, Bhajan practice sessions are also held twice a week on Saturday and Sunday. During these sessions, established singers practice the songs they intend to sing during the week and newer singers have a chance to train and develop their talents. The practice aspires to make the bi-weekly bhajan a more spiritually uplifting experience for all the devotees.

People do Bhajans without understanding their significance. Instead of focusing their attention on God, they are bothered too much about the tune and rhythm. No doubt, the tune and rhythm are also essential in Bhajans. But once you fill your heart with Divine Love, the tune and rhythm will automatically be taken care of. If you concentrate too much on tune and rhythm, you will not be able to think of God.

Source: Sai Veda (Sathya Sai Advises Inspires Vivifies Educates Dispels All doubts)

Photos of Bhajans at the Centre

The Meditation session is held every saturday. The technique used is Jyothi/light meditation. This meditation involves concentrating on a flame and then internalising that light to all parts of the body. It is said to calm the mind, bring about a sense of well being and greatly improve concentration.

Spiritual Wing Regular Activities


Thursdays – 7:15 PM to 8:15 PM

Sundays – 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM

Jyothi Meditation

Saturdays – 6:00 PM to 6:15 PM

Bhajan Practice

Saturdays – 4:45 PM to 5:45 PM

Sundays – 10:30 AM to 12:00 Noon

Morning Prayers

On the first Sunday of each month – 6:00 AM – 7:30 AM. Chanting 21 Omkars, Suprabhatam, Navratna Mala, 108 Names of Swami followed by Nagar Sankirtan

Veda Chanting

Sundays – 10:00 AM to 10:30 AM

Special Bhajans

Special bhajans are conducted on festival days.

The calendar below shows the coming schedule of all spiritual activities.