When all the participants in a bhajan sing in unison, what sacred vibrations are produced and what Divine energies are released! When these vibrations fill the world, what changes cannot they bring about! When one sings alone, the heart is merged in the song. But when many sing together, it acquires a Divine power.
Sri Sathya Sai Baba.
Bhajans/ Group devotional singing is one of the fundamental practices of the Sathya Sai Centers around the world. Bhajans are held twice a week on Thursday and Saturday. In addition to Bhajans, Bhajan practice sessions are also held twice a week on Saturday and Sunday. During these sessions, established singers practice the songs they intend to sing during the week and newer singers have a chance to train and develop their talents. The practice aspires to make the bi-weekly bhajan a more spiritually uplifting experience for all the devotees.
People do Bhajans without understanding their significance. Instead of focusing their attention on God, they are bothered too much about the tune and rhythm. No doubt, the tune and rhythm are also essential in Bhajans. But once you fill your heart with Divine Love, the tune and rhythm will automatically be taken care of. If you concentrate too much on tune and rhythm, you will not be able to think of God.
Source: Sai Veda (Sathya Sai Advises Inspires Vivifies Educates Dispels All doubts)
Photos of Bhajans at the Centre

The Meditation session is held every saturday. The technique used is Jyothi/light meditation. This meditation involves concentrating on a flame and then internalising that light to all parts of the body. It is said to calm the mind, bring about a sense of well being and greatly improve concentration.
Spiritual Wing Regular Activities
Thursdays – 7:15 PM to 8:15 PM
Sundays – 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Jyothi Meditation
Saturdays – 6:00 PM to 6:15 PM
Bhajan Practice
Saturdays – 4:45 PM to 5:45 PM
Sundays – 10:30 AM to 12:00 Noon
Morning Prayers
On the first Sunday of each month – 6:00 AM – 7:30 AM. Chanting 21 Omkars, Suprabhatam, Navratna Mala, 108 Names of Swami followed by Nagar Sankirtan
Veda Chanting
Sundays – 10:00 AM to 10:30 AM
Special Bhajans
Special bhajans are conducted on festival days.
The calendar below shows the coming schedule of all spiritual activities.